Leveling Question

I didnt find an specific answer about this, but i would like to know how is the math behind the xp per messages, in the calculator says about lowest and highest gain. that lowest/highestIs is RNG between a min/max value? And there's a limit of xp that you gain per minute?
5 Replies
You gain XP in a certain range for ever 1m20 you are talking If you send ten messages in 1m20 or five messages in 1m20 you get the same average XP
TricerOP2y ago
Ah okay, and this average has default values? like 30 ~ 90 xp?
Yes but I don’t know the range
TricerOP2y ago
hmmm ok, thksss gatofr
lovesade2y ago
Hello, QQ is there ways to get xp boost at a higher %? I am trying to level in a server and its going really slow

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