Members not gaining experience
Hello @CmdData and @Almeida , I'm trying to get you to upload from my server members, they didn't even upload, something is missing
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you have to update your leveling channels to include the ones you want members to be able to gain xp in
27 Replies
What exactly do you mean?
Look, my members spoke, none of them rose to the first level, which not even the rank did.
I have the bot all configured but something is missing because it doesn't send a message and they didn't even level up. @CmdData
The level works here but mine doesn't give the level
Use /config troubleshoot
:icon_levelup: @PlayRoom has reached level 3
Ok, run /config check please
Do you want them to level up after every message? How long have they been talking?
Yes, @CmdData
15 minutes
@CmdData the bot does not level up anyone in the group
the only channel where members can gain xp is in "ranked-del-servidor" which is, presumably, a channel where nobody can speak
you have to update your leveling channels to include the ones you want members to be able to gain xp in
Comand @Almeida ?
its easier to do via the dashboard
but via command its the
Leveling Channels
option in /config set
and you need to pass the channels via the values
optionThe selected channels are the same as the ones already set.
:icon_levelup: @PlayRoom has reached level 4
@Almeida nothing happens on the server
I don't send these messages @Almeida
How do I get the members to join and lose the old role and get the new one automatically?
you have to set the channels where members can gain xp
pass me the command
already done
there is no such feature. role rewards are synced whenever members level up or by running the /syncrolerewards command
because the role changes but the previous one is not removed
sounds like you want to disable role rewards stacking
/config toggle option:Stack Leveling Role Rewards
Thanks you @Almeida