Specific reward role keep getting removed
The bot keep removing a specific role when the users level up however other roles are staying same.
Role stacking is disabled. I tried to reapply the roles but still same
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well as i said to the other user in this thread, i made a few changes related to this ~2 hours ago
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Role stacking disabled means the previous reward roles will be removed
only the highest reward will be kept
lvl7 also has verified role reward

thats not really a supported setup
roles are meant to be unique per reward
it used to work a few days ago
something got broken
role stacking + removing "verified" can be ok
but i would like to remove old lvl roles :thonk:
i understand what you were trying to achieve
@Polixgen made a few changes. can you try again?
you can force role rewards to be updated by running /syncrolerewards
i will try in a few hours
I’m also having this same issue repeatedly, I have a similar layout where after a certain chat xp level they gain their other perms like sending images, video, etc.
Recently I’ve had a bunch of people keep randomly having the second verification role keep getting removed and it’s even been happening today
I keep running that command and it fixes it in the moment but it’s weird that people keep losing the role
Here’s an example of it happening for me even though I don’t have any level rewards at level 42

My level rewards are either every 5 or every 10 levels through level 50
show your role rewards
the role rewards are re-synced everytime users level up

I have essentially one role being used as a “title” for how far they’ve made it that adds a badge next to their discord chat name and the other one is used for perms verification
and you have stack role rewards disabled i assume
It does line up though that someone keeps losing the “trusted explorer” role every time they first level up now but I’ve had this specific layout set up for about a month or two, and yeah we have stack rewards disabled just so it doesn’t clutter up their role list
well as i said to the other user in this thread, i made a few changes related to this ~2 hours ago
because previously it was not a supported setup
is that fixed? i forgot to check later
i tried to disable stack roles setting and happened again
@JStinsch are you also having this issue?
Oh no I havent been having this issue anymore
Ever since that change you pushed in June 👍