Lurkr is deleting messages
Lurkr was deleting messages, before I kicked lurkr out of my sever, and It just stopped
33 Replies
Can you send a screenshot of the Audit log with the deletion reason
It has no reason

you most likely set a public channel as the emoji-list channel
I didn't
i didn't mean you literally, but somebody with manage server permissions
there are only 2 features in the bot that purge channel messages:
- emoji-list channel
can you send your server id? i can still check your servers configuration
!!serveridPlease provide your Server ID.
How to get it
Where do I put it
:icon_levelup: @Alice Northwest has reached level 3
you can send it in this channel
the emoji list is enabled and set to this channel: <#1174397364816068781>
im assuming thats the channel you were showing from the audit logs
It was
i can disable the emoji list if you want
But I kicked the lurkr out of my server tho
its done
lurkr persists server configuration (including leveling data) for 30 days after being removed from a server
Re added lurkr back to my server tho
I see the auto join role is on in my server, but it hasn't worked at any time
/config troubleshoot
Just did
:icon_levelup: @Alice Northwest has reached level 4
that should tell you if there are any problems with the configuration
and what they are
I dont understand
show the output of the command

inaccessible means the highest role of the bot is under that role
How do I fix it
move one of lurkrs roles above the Member role
How do I do that
from the server settings, on the roles tab, you should be able to drag the roles
It's fixed