Automation Integration
So I am trying to have it where when a certain action is met they get xp for it but the only automation bot i found was mee6 but I dont want to use their lvling system is there a way I can have them gain xp from lurkr instead?
12 Replies
:NighthawkInteractionError: BEFORE YOU ASK FOR SUPPORT :NighthawkInteractionError:
1ļøā£ ā¢ Use the panel in ā #š-help-me to check if your problem is a common issue! Use the buttons to select your problem and the bot will automatically respond with a message only you can see!
2ļøā£ ā¢ Check the documentation at and either use the guides found at the top of the navigation panel, or use the search tool to look for a specific thing you need to do!
3ļøā£ ā¢ Use the commands
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āā¢ This server uses Answer Overflow to index content on the web. By posting in this channel your messages will be indexed on the web to help others find answers.
š ā¢ kind of action are you talking about
if the post a picture in a certain channel they get xp for it
i tried to see if i can copy the command and have it reply as a trigger but that doesnt seem to work
yeah, bots cannot execute slash commands
does this mean i need to use mee6 lvl bot š
i really dont wanan i love this bot
if u have a work around or solution to this plz lmk im really not trying to usue mee6
its not possible to have it exactly like that.
unless if that channel is meant to be an image only channel
in that case you could just use a channel multiplier to increase the xp gained
and you can use automod to prevent regular messages from being sent
Isee not a bad idea
:icon_levelup: @Auky has reached level 3
Nah it wasn't
Is there a way to make images get more xp than text?
Not currently
Ill give that image only idea a shot I guess