/syncrolerewards for everyone?
I'm trying to set it so that everyone can use the /syncrolerewards one themselves but for some reason the bot isn't allowing it. Is there something I've missed?
8 Replies
<:icon_levelup:1086286977118261318> @mr.roomba has reached level 3

It doesn't seem like it should require users to have the manage server permission just to do that
it only requires the manage server permission if the person is using the command on somebody else
also, those permission checks were put in place because in the beginning the default required permission was not shown in the integrations page, so users wouldnt know who could use the command
i could remove them now tho, since they are visible now
@mr.roomba we'll remove the bot-side permission checks on the next update
Oh alright thank you for the explanation!
although actually, since this is how that specific command works
it doesnt have any defualt permissions
not sure if we'd want to remove that one
otherwise anyone could sync anybody elses role rewards
@mr.roomba ok, instead of removing the permission check, we'll lower the permission required to manage messages, to match the one for the /level and /xp commands
(in the next update)
Oh alright good to know thank you!