XP add command causing member's level role to downgrade?
So to start off my set up is that I have role rewards at levels
and I have a manual thing established on the server that I manually use the /xp add to award people xp who take part in VC events.
That is what is happening in Screenshot 1. They are well above level 50 and well above 30 so 3 500 xp in one way or the other should not change their role there suffice it to say it was additive.
I have checked logs today to see - Screenshot 2 - that lurkr then removed role they had and should have had, and should still have to assign them one for level 30 for some reason?
(lingering flare is the level 30 role, polestar is the level 50 role)
I don't know why this is happening if its a bug or am I just not understanding something?

Solution:Jump to solution
yes I tried I don't think its happening anymore since @Lurkr didnt remove or add any role from me this time
8 Replies
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š ā¢ https://www.answeroverflow.com/c/705009450855039039is this something you can reproduce consistently?
I did it on myself just now with same exact result

and XP remove is busted?

restarting the bot rn
should be good now
can you try again
yes I tried I don't think its happening anymore since @Lurkr didnt remove or add any role from me this time
<:icon_levelup:1086286977118261318> Level Up! <:icon_levelup:1086286977118261318>
<@243785805280182273> has reached level 6!
They now have 1,387 XP!
alright nice