I can't remove a person from my leaderboard
In my leaderboard (https://lurkr.gg/levels/thesenateleaderboard) I have an entry on position 44 called BadWitch#3516 and i don't have that id from discord available to me so I can remove this account from the xp leaderboard, I do have a 2nd account called BadWitch on my server but it's #BadWitch#3521, they aren't the same account and i need help to clean this account from the leaderboard please

9 Replies
User: katastrophe995
User Information
Name: katastrophe995
Created: <t:1588889578:R>
Mention: <@708078953574826028>
βMember Information
Joined: <t:1588157846:R>
Roles: <@&705009524905607218>, <@&951584785535471616>, <@&1085859537820594196>, <@&951585065123602442>, <@&951586583130284032>, <@&1106617538449780766>, <@&1116471363524374528>, <@&1122253834127937616>, <@&1161411369023852607>
thank you β€οΈ
that's her id?
i believe so
try running the /rank command on that id and see if the level / xp matches
aight tnx, that was quick haha
if i set this command to a specific moderator role, all my moderators will stop getting the reward roles from lurkr right?
