How to set specefic announcements for Xp rewards?
Can someone help me?
11 Replies
@Almeida Sir
wait ig I did
seems like you're looking for the last command then
ohh let me check again
now I'm confused, it's not there
do you mean this last one?

what isn't?
yes. the text is the same on both the command and on the dashboard
ok but, It only sends announcement on the XP rewards not on the normal level up, or not?
will it send on both?
that's what I'm confused about
from the docs:
Lastly, you can also additionally toggle whether or not you want to announce only the levels that also have a Leveling Role attached to them.
ok so it means, it will send on both right?
it will only announce the levels which have role rewards
if the option were to be disabled, it would send all (depending on your other announcement settings)