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All posts for Twenty
Will this be resolved quickly? I'll need
Hubspot import tool
Support OpenId Connect as SSO standard ·...
@ruud could you DM me with your email
First heard of partnership between
Hi, reviewing twenty after a few months
Hello everyone,
Just a thought.. I would love to see an
v0.22 upgrade warnings
Twenty - Releases
Is it ok to add double quote here or do
I replaced the server url in the test:
Thanks @Freebios !
Did something break on front end I did a
Problem logging in after upgrade
Help creating notes via API - BodyV2
Not able to run the server
Clicking Company name in Company list view does not open the Company, it does nothing.
issue: wsl postgres setup without docker
Google Sync Fails: Invalid/Empty Emails Causing Domain Filter Error
Workflows and secrets
Local Setup Postgres
500 error on filtering/search on REST api endpoints
Don't know why but i am not able to run the application according to the docs
Frequently down
Error when adding a one-to-one relation between workspace entities
Want to use Axios inside of a React App, which package to use? e.g.twenty-front, twenty-docker,...
Mail and calendar env settings ignored
error: database "default" does not exist
Unable to Reach Back-endResponse not successful: Received status code 500
StandardID value generation for Custom object and notes/tasks target relation
Hi guys! Can you help me create a new filter for People section?
Filtered View
AI Support Features
Cannot see developers tab inside settings
unexpected application error
How to add Notes body through API
How to change the email associated to your account
Unable to open records
Email Settings using sendgrid
Microsoft SSO on Self Hosted Instance
Importing Excel data
Microsoft Sync - Forever Importing
Start the cron jobs
Can't go into on billing area in my settings
How to rename Opportunity or other fields
How to permanently bulk delete records?
How to recover a soft deleted field?
[ **Multi-Workspaces and single subdomain** ] - is possible? (no subdomain)
How to set up Upload File Size Limits
Is the "Log in with Google" option available?
Updates to Records via Workflow not Reflected in UI
Microsoft Outlook Sync Fails
Upgrading from v0.41.5 to v0.42.6 does not work
Not able to run the application
Db unknow service on docker compose
Why is older versions not working for docker compose?
Unexpected Application Error
Error when editing any user record - "Cannot create property 'firstName' on string 'Untitled'"
column company.createdByContext does not exist
Unable to Reach Back-end
Local setup frontend crashes without error
Upgrade 0.22 -> 0.23
Yarn install issue
Multiple workspace confusion
`useFindManyRecords for "notes" error : ApolloError: is not a function`
Workspace Schema not found for workspace ...
Reply to email button opens Gmail when a Microsoft Account it connected
Twenty CRM via Coolify?
Is it normal that no accounts are showing up to connect?
Are opportunities only linked to companies?
Bug after update to v42 User not logged in
"column User.locale does not exist" after Docker container update
Yarn failing on macOS and Storybook command not working locally
i deleted my workspace to recreate/reset it, but now my subscription is gone
Back-end error while creating new table
Docker v.0.41.0 update issue?
[Solved] Google Calendar sync stuck
How Timeline Tab is generated?
How to Host Twenty CRM on Cloudways?
Bug People Data Disappears and Error message is shown
Click on Settings Screen Bug
Joining workspace does not work
Logging into Twenty and it 'hangs' / infinite loads
How to work with Opportunities
Selfhosted API not working ;(
Enum "OpportunityStageEnum" cannot represent value: "LOST"
Bug - Issue with Companies and People Views
Microsoft sync failed
On how to host TwentyCRM on Debian VPS using Docker compose and external PostgreSQL
How to check if my worker is running?
Advanced Rules not Changing Field (works for already saved fields).
How to compile translation?
Contact auto-creation feature
Local step issue
I am encountering an issue with enabling Microsoft Sync in my Twenty CRM instance.
Upgrade from v0.33.3 to v0.34.0 fails
Upgrade from v0.40.8 to v0.41.4 fails due to column "createdByContext" of relation does not exist
Translation to other languages
Signup For Paid Service
IT dept. requires single tenancy Microsoft SSO - removed in Twenty v0.41.0?
How to custom GraphQL validation rule
Migration from 0.33.0 to 0.34.0 causes errors
"Should never occur, encountered unknown fields __typename in objectMetadataItem viewGroup"
Opportunities & Tasks have disappeared
Issues starting Twenty Server
Unused Standard Object - advice needed
How I can registry to verify Twenty API in google console sucessfully ?
User Not Logged In - Profile Creation
Email Sync - Self Hosted
Unable to Reach Back-endFailed to fetch
Start Localization (Lab panel)
Unexpected Application Error!Object metadata item "workflowVersion" cannot be found (...)
touch: /app/docker-data/db_status: No such file or directory
Forgot Password not sending me email
Self-Hosting - Where to find API key?
Email sending not working
Unexpected Application Error! and also "Invalid Sign In Up Params"
Self-Hosted Pricing
Manifest Unknow
isURL validation error during prod docker setup
Error "Workspace is not ready to welcome new members"
Memory Issue When Running `npx nx start`
Local Setup - Cron Job not running
Cannot Access Twenty Admin Panel After Workspace Reset – ‘Invalid Sign In Up Params’ Error
Link multiple products to multiple companies
can we integrate outseta to twenty CRM?
MetaData Select Field Options
Gmail email sync (not calendar sync) intermittently stuck.
API Access
Anyone gotten Twenty -> Zapier -> Slack to work?
Local Setup - No data in Postgres
Error logging
Upgrade to v0.33 sync of standard objects failed
Can I increase limit token twenty selfhost
Container twenty-server-1 Error
Interface optimization
schema "graphql" does not exists
Upgrade to latest version doesn't work
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, when I self host docker compose, sync data is fail, maybe this error .
✘ Container twenty-server-1 Error 70.8s
No Current User Result
Microsoft email and calendar integration
disabling sign up is not working.
Twenty CRM with WordPress?
SaaS | Twenty CRM
Kanban column
Analytics tracking mutation error in v0.35.0 - Unknown argument "type" on Mutation.track error on lo
Can't get self-hosting to work with docker
Upgrading from 0.35.2 to 0.35.4 caused error on Accounts page
Can we set member level permissions?
Unexpected Application Error! after starting trial
npx nx database:reset twenty-server error
failed to create extension vector (pgvector): extension vector is unavailable
GraphQL selfhosted public access
Google apis auth is not enabled
Problem loading login page after fresh install
It is possible to permanently delete a people record?
Is anyone using Metabase or similar to understand analytical dimensions of activity within Twenty?
Date Picker Doesn't Work
does webhook not work in self hosting?
Columns getting mutilated after addition of multiple objects/ fields.
Assistance Connecting to Backend when Reverse Proxying with Nginx Proxy Manager
Unauthorized for demo workspace
Docker 1-click/manual self-hosting fails
How can I filter an enum via the REST API ?
Best Practice to start a new instance on portainer? (Docker Compose)
docker update/upgrade 20version
Importing data from email when sync
S3 driver and S3 compatible storage (backblaze)
Free Website/Store
Docker Compose Upgrade Instructions v.033.0 to latest
Is anyone using/following this n8n nodes project for Twenty?
Building in cursor
User does not have access to this workspace
Upgrade errors from v0.34 v0.35.1
database reset error.
Database Reset Fails After Pulling Latest Commit
Docker Compose Setup Reverse Proxy
Data model - N:N Relationships on Custom Objects
Database reset issue on V0.30.2
I think I may have suffered a migration regression for "phones". Migration from v.0.33 to v0.34
Any way to track external events?
Merge contacts
How to add Calendar event to person
Version 0.34 migration causing issues on production deployment due to subdomain
[SELF HOSTED] Is possible to disable register of new users?
Regarding duplicate data
Error while setting a default on a multi-select
Problems with updating object field and overall feedback
Heving problem opening a person profile
Looking for frontend opportunities (React js)
worker exception - self hosting
Import users
Unable to access Rest API Core
OnClick environment How to Access Database directly
I can't login
Getting error while creating new field.
yarn fails?
Deploying TwentyCRM on AKS with Kubernetes Manifests
SoftDelete Issue
Data model existing objects can't be changed
How to reset password without email?
Struggling to launch with npx nx database:reset twenty-server
Setup a dev and prod server
Could any one help me to setup locally
Bulk updating records
How can I permanently delete Companies that have synced through gmail
How to change workspaces
demo not working
can anyone help with local setup
Translations and date format
Unique number for custom field
Error: Cannot convert TS_VECTOR to column type.
Unable to Reach Back-end: Failed to fetch
Regarding Test cases
Postgres Error During Local Setup
delete account on demo server
Google Calendar Sync Fails (GH Issue 8743)
Cloud version not working
Calendar sync succeeds, while Gmail sync does not start
Configuring Cloudflare R2 with S3 for Twenty CRM - Credentials Issue
How to obtain a bearer token for a third party client
Can't import image in files
Need help upgrading from v0.32.0 docker
Issue with kanban view
undefined is not an object (evaluating 't.fieldMetadataId')
Try to setup Twenty on local
Regularly getting logged out of web interface since v0.33 update
Deleting a member errors
Sending emails to smtp4dev
v0.33.3: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fieldMetadataId')
Help Tweny to Portainer (port 3000 already use by other container)
Change Object Icon
Error on Notes tab
Error creating new opportunity
Lock fields/items in the object
Twenty Custom domain 404 on Coolify
Twenty server error.
New user - immediate failure (web)
Events not accesible?
Server is on a coffee break error when filtering - (TAG=v0.32.0)
Unknown error occurred while importing messages for message channel
Question about restful api searching fields.
PG_DATABASE_URL validation
Double slash after url
Google OAuth doesn't work in Docker Compose
Creating Tasks via API
Webhook not working
How to reduce conflicts
Restful API: Metafield creation with options in it issue.
Migrate from `twentycrm/twenty-postgres` to `twentycrm/twenty-postgres-spilo`
Cannot create a New Opportunity from the "By stage' tab
Filters, Search and Options not working
Help me modify source code in docker
Too Many Clients Error
Remove Companies from Leads
postgres connection_limit
SignUp Issues
Worker doesn't work on Deployment
Update from .31 to .32 killed my Zapier Authentication.
isPublicInviteLinkEnabled does not exist (v0.31.0 to v0.32.0)
Integration with Google authentication
Integration with google mail
Current cloud is unreachable
Need help with Local Setup
SMTP mailer problem
Error: An instance of EnvironmentVariables has failed the validation
How to take a DB backup?
Workspace schema not found
How do I self-host...
Can't make it through creating initial profile due to login errror
Disable sign up not working
Install docker-zapier into a Twenty docker instance
Environment Variable get transformed incorrectly in some cases within the docker compose file.
What environments variables do i need to have multiple login accounts?
Creating unique id's for entries?
ERROR [ExceptionHandler] connect ECONNREFUSED
Exposing localhost:3000 leads to white page, but works in machine
Are the images on Docker Hub compatible for both amd64/arm64?
Need help setting up
twenty and traefik
Cannot see "Workflows" and "Functions" functionality in my workspace (a single paid cloud user)
I’m setting up a self-hosted 20 CRM on AWS but facing some issues accessing it with a custom domain.
ApolloError: Metadata version not found for workspace e5e52d90-a26e-4ff7-81a1-c295d5df5b0b
graphql schema does not exist
"token invalid" when attempting to connect to google account
All requests fail due to erroneous data
Database migration issue
Store pitch line for company
Sort by Name won't fully shows all the records
Clarification Needed for Calendar Issue
Just having white screen
Create tab
/server: running issue
Why are there multiple Dockerfiles?
dependency failed to start: container twenty-server-1 is unhealthy
refactoring REST APIs to use twenty orm
Email syncing with serverless integration
Which directory of the repo does the UI start?
Help need for Raycast extension
Many to Many Relationships
rest api 500 errors permanent
Newbie (in open source) question, how to debug this failures?
Rolebased auth
Changes are not updated in real time and app breaks
cant setup the repo locally
How to setup twenty on a linux VPS?
I can't pay for my subscription when I log in to my account
Build with only one docker file
can't open api imported attachment?
Entity field type not supported in isFieldValueEmpt
Issue in Local Setup(Database)
Api check for duplicate
hi guys , need some help the frontend part of the code( npx nx start twenty-front ) isn't running in
How PR works?
Help with setting twenty locally !
How to go on welcome page (before signing up page)
Import csv questions
Error in local setup
How to tell if new contacts are being generated from email?
How can i connect my google with the docker self hosted version?
Help with Deploying in Coolify using Github Repo
Help with Self-hosting
Memory limit error when running project
The UI is not changing when changing the code
Permission denied - PostgreSQL
Error in Local setup.
Sync Google - Mail / Calendar failed
Login issue on start
Issue with Activity Logs on Timeline
Twenty has Twilio API?
Windmill Sync
Gmail / Calendar Fails to Sync
Error in local Setup in yarn
Assigning Workspace Team Members to a Data Model Object->Fields
People endpoint filter by first and last name
starting backend fails to this error.
Urgent: Getting Apollo Error for my workspace after upgrading
Local Setup issue (Windows):
Welp, all of my companies have been soft deleted.
Self built login error
Getting `NOAUTH Authentication required` error on self hosted site after sign in/workspace creation
Gmail sync not working
Need help Setting up locally
Not able to reproduce #7197 issue locally (
First sign in behavior
No system mail sent
Can't self host twenty
Local setup Issue
Error while setting up locally
Regarding Microsoft oAuth
Can I deploy twenty-server on its own or do all services have to be deployed in the same environment
Help with REST API `emails` filter
502 Error
How to handle caching with Apollo?
Twenty CRM and Basic User role?
Error at import for people from CSV
npx nx database:reset twenty-server errors
Increase timeout twenty
Tasks templates
Heroku Deployment
Twenty 1 click docker-compose
Workspace Schema not found
How to Setup Messaging & Calendar sync
Login error Core user does not exist
Need help in setting project , frontend stops suddenly
.env values are not being taken into account
Question Related to Onboarding and UserVars
Unable to load data
Error on page when going to my companies
New Note Errors
ApolloError + blank page, can't access any objects
White page on creation
Wrong country code being added to incoming phone numbers
Help with VPS self hosted instance
Webapp gets blank after an hour of idle session
Can't host Twenty - twenty-db-1 is unhealthy
Migrate to 0.24.0 fails :(
How to Make Changes and Test in Local
Can't figure out how to use the application
Can't filter between two number values
How to backup existing DB data to latest twenty version ?
Is there a limit on the createManyCompanies endpoint?
Unable to Sign In
Update record in database
Password container db
JS heap out of memory
Does anyone know how I can access TWENTY's PostgreSQL in Docker compose?
Forgot to end trial - can I get a refund?
What's the best way to bulk add/remove fields?
how to create metadata for attachments?
Google Integration
Can't sort by company name on People page
Best practice to track form submissions
Schema graphql does not exists
npx nx start does not start the frontend (getting error)
API : Error 500 while fetching all companies
Docker Local Setup
Twenty Demo Example: How to Place an Entity on the Top Navigation Bar
Where can i see the workspaceMemberId?
Make on linux command not working
Google Calendar and Gmail integration
Microsoft 365 exchange online
Is it possible to host it using synology?
Is it possible to export from the cloud version to a self-hosted solution?
Errors while reseting db
I built a new template, but is it complete?
Question about Many-to-Many relationships
Is there a command for rebuilding search cache?
White empty page (Token expired)
Can't login after update -"Object metadata item "task" cannot be found in an array of 24 elements"
Automatic, incrementing object names
Getting `"Unknown type \"WebhookFilterInput\"."` errors on my local setup
Not able to log in. No metadata for User was found.
Webhooks not sent in local setup
Webhook Event duplication
Webhook Event duplication (old thread)
Help understanding the difference between `npx nx start` and `yarn command:prod`
User Profile/avatar isn't displayed properly
Error while setting twenty locally
Error in Local Setup
Running new code with docker compose
Error facing while logging in
Schema Update to generate custom query/mutation
npx nx workspace:seed:demo doesn't exist
How to change the default table view from `Companies`
Can't login to Cloud!
Twenty behind NGINX reverse proxy
Existing user creating new workspace
Upgraded to latest version and Twenty crashed
Upgrade 0.22.1 to v0.23.0 issues
Invalid URL when uploading Workspace Logo (S3)
Error: ApolloError: Cache version not found
cloudflare tunnels
Filter by multi select field?
Upgrade to v0.23.0 failing
Task relations not showing up correctly
Notes and Tasks
Upgrade to 0.22 from 0.20
How to correctly create a custom timelineActivity with multiple relations
Failed to start docker
Upgrade issue to 0.22
Blank Screen after suscribing
Self host
Trouble with email conversations
how to enable gmail?
Error: Worker terminated due to reaching memory limit: JS heap out of memory
Can't able to setup project local
can't run project on local
How to access GraphQL APIs from twenty ?
schema "graphql" does not exist
How to create a view/ table of multiple objectMetaDataItems?
System E-Mails do not send
Delete Opportunities does not work
ICP field in companies is bugging out for me
/welcome bugged?
Error while running command npx nx database:reset twenty-server in WSL
Data Migration to another host.
How to do a where clause in graphql?
How to increase the default number of results (30) in graphql?
Front-end not starting
Docs page not working
Allow iframe
Blank screen after install
Google Auth no feedback
Unable to run project locally using WSL
apostrophe around persons name
Cannot find field metadata item for field name somethingDeleted on object person
Confirm deletions / disable deletion for some users
Unable to send email even with after setting up SMTP credentials in .env and docker-compose.yml
How can I optimize my usecase?
Synchronization of Companies & Contacts not working after Reinstalling
[Nest] 1 - ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] Could not load credentials from any providers
v0.22.0 Webhooks failing to send
Mandatory fields in the input form
Deploying to RepoCloud (one-click)
npx nx database:reset twenty-serverNOUVEAU
Installation tutorial on ubuntu?
Issues with forward and backlashes
localhost:3000 showing blank after installing it on my raspberry pi server.
Error while running the app
can’t edit a new view
Get types for twenty
Import from gmail hanging on ongoing
Create entries in GraphQL
Missing favicons
View for custom objects seems to be broken in 0.21.x
No inbox tab
v0.20.x+ has broken docker builds
Can't change currency on opportunity
problems with gmail fetch, removing/adding account
Trouble/problems getting 20 to run with docker (self hosted, my machine)
Upgrading 0.2 to 0.21
Stack yaml twenty error 404
Error 500 when connecting Gmail
Integrate Facebook lead into CRM
New User: Help Setting Up Twenty CRM on AWS Lightsail
Relation type N to N
REST API: How to get multi select data
nx Error during local setup
Best practice to periodically wipe the database
.env for the server url?
I just want to sync calendar and emails not google login
disable new workspaces
Has anybody gotten the latest version of Twenty CRM successfully self-hosted on Railway?
Reached head limit Allocation failed - JavaScript head out of memory
Unable to link to google mail/calendar after upgrading from v0.20.0 to v0.20.2
entitynotfound error trying to sign up
Fetching emails once Person is added
Error 404 after commands
Update Belongs to One to Has many
Container Healthy But Web Inaccessible.
How to modify Default workspaces, fields, and data on new installation
Error during setup - Linux
Faster New Entry
Running Twenty
Getting started
Google authentication - Error 400 (invalid_request)
Newbie Question, How to Debug? Failed to Deploy
Gmail document attachments not visible
What is the "Support Chat" feature?
Local setup installation
Error in installing twenty with docker
Error logging in first time
Solved label?
error during setup
Upgrade from 0.3.3 to latest versions
Post Intall Dependecies Fail Pipeline
Errors upgrading from 0.12 to 0.20
Multiple Google accounts
Unhealthy workspace
CORS error
How do I create autonumber fields that are visible?
Message sync is slow?
Deploying to Render
Upgrading from v0.12 to v0.20
Google apis auth is not enabled
Email syncing isn't completing
connectivity issue via docker
Not able to run the frontend locally
REST API last_cursor usage
VS Code WSL closes unexpectedly
`yarn command:prod` fails even though `npx nx start` succeeds
How to upgrade to latest version?
Column does not exist
Guide for implementing google SSO w/ Twenty
Creating Company & Opportunity Returning 500 On REST API
Errors thrown when adding fields
How can I implement an RBAC for my use-cases?
Gmail sync failed
Webhook not triggered on automatic user/company creation through email imports
viewing health issues
Custom validation in model fields.
Multi-Workspace as single user?
I am making an AUR package for Twenty but I'm facing problems
Error in Company "People" field
Session logs out if tab is closed in chrome (self hosted, docker)
Error "cannot pass more than 100 arguments to a function" when calling create "insertIntodeal"
Relational field not showing in data entry mode
Getting @swc/core@npm:1.5.20 couldn't be built successfully logs can be found here:
upgrade from 0.11.2 to 0.12.1
how to setup locally with docker.
Programatic way to create a note for a company using REST?
Converting text fields to links
Getting Error After Importing data.
Getting logged regularly (~15 mins)
Quick Install graphql link error [ Proxmox VM ]
Issue with Gmail sync
Error TS5042: Option 'project' cannot be mixed with source files on a command line
Migrations fail and app does not exit
Create and fetch new database entities
Are both Turnstile and Recaptcha being used in the project? Is It a customer choice?
Create Standard object ids
Worker is terminating.
navigate() isn’t working after async operation.
Poor performance on self-hosting
Need help with 0.11.0 release merge !
Gmail error in logs. "Auth already failed, a new refresh token is needed"
Getting Error in TimingProfiler Component
Folder Structure Changed
Message Thread Member Chip
How to run --verbose on database reset
Create Field
Create a field using the REST API?
Very slow response when payload incorrect
How to bulk delete _many_ records
Droplet is blank
Unable to add module with websockets
Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers
Error 404: redirect_uri_mismatch - Google Auth
Understanding the Worker Process?
hello everyone im getting error ..i need help
Error: Error refreshing access token: Request failed with status code 400
Google Chrome Extension not working
How to update from 0.3.3 (Railway).
Error importing data for Company (ID)
Error during userFindManyRecords for .... Response not successful: received status code 400
Can I make a custom field on a custom object unique?
Import data generate a 400 error
need help with creating message-queue tasks.
v.0.11.2 Column syncStatus type is not the same as the field metadata type
Outlook Email Integration
Projects criterias
Solving CORS issues with Cloudflared Tunnel
Calendar help (fresh install - Docker)
Calendar Functionality
Load more values when scrolling
Only sync emails without onboarding contacts.
How to disable pagination on “useFindManyRecords” ?
How are graphql errors getting displayed through snackbar ?
how do we get the workspace ID ?
Procedure to sync emails? 0.10.0
Upgrade error 0.3.2 > 0.3.3 : duplicate key value violates unique constraint
Update from 0.3.2
White screen only failed to load twenty.
Sync multiple gmail on one account is failing on cloud
Need Help with Email Sync (v0.4.0)
Can OptimisticEffect work this way ?
Error with address field
useFindManyRecords() hook doesn’t utilize depth property.
Display specific data in table based on some check.
Provide Enum type in FieldMetadata
“start” script at root is not exiting gracefully
Logout issue
Hide Display Table Columns
Getting Error while executing `graphql:data:generate` script in twenty-front module
How customisable are tasks?
Setting up URL/Domain
Access API
API filter getting 500
Can i do it with twenty
Kanban Board not getting setup
Members in Read mode
Backup/restore/Migrate database
Cannot add new elements (person, company or opportunity)
Developers settings tab seems to be broken.
Where to integrate GraphQL Shield ?
database volume path
Kanban view for opportunities not working after update to 0.3.3
Connect with google
How would I append a Custom Resolver with my Workspace GraphQL Schema ?
Cannot access Twenty
Yarn not in twenty-Server 0.3.3 (Docker)
How do I get Mutations and Queries in GraphiQL ?
Feature Flag
Data model
Datamodel Store float numbers
2nd Kanban board?
Feature Flag for plan card.
GraphQLError: Variable "$orderBy" got invalid value { position: "AscNullsFirst" }; Field "position"
Problem with initialising twenty with docker.
Sort People by name
High cpu and memory utilization on digital Ocean droplet
Update and add Steps to Pipeline Steps
Error when adding a relation to an object
Update Docker install
Cannot access to demo version
Emails greyed out?
Failed to parse OpenAPI file
API token not recognised by docs generator
Has anyone successfully got this working on docker and Nginx?
Data Model
Frontend - Server communication
Backup & Restore
Install Twenty using Docker on Macbook
STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH relative, why?
am using vs code as my IDE, on saving file is not formatting...(Mac intel)
Node modules not found error in VS Code
Setting up Twenty locally
I am working on this issue https://
Hello, I'm new here.
Issue about generating the graphQL code
With nx or/and yarn 4
Issues · twentyhq/twenty
@ThatOneGoose Let's create a demo env id
@Félix I think our Danger scripts are