Can't get self-hosting to work with docker
I've followed the tutorial here multiple times now using both the manual and one-line script with different versions (0.32.0, 0.35.2 and 0.35.4) and every time it seems to fail for one reason or another.
My latest attempt was with the one-line script which failed until I commented out the
variable to allow it to default. Following that everything started up, but when I attempt to go to the page I get Unable to Reach Back-end
with no logs to indicate as to why (from what I can see).
Attached is my server logs from docker compose and a screenshot of the webpage.
If I'm just being dumb here please feel free to let me know haha I'd rather just get it working than complain11 Replies
There seems to be a lot of lock messages in that log, are you having data contention problems? How much memory have you allocated? I had all sorts of problems until I gave my vm 16 gb (it could probably use more)
there was a post somewhere about turning off eslint to improve performance, maybe that would help.
About logs, I can say the same, they're quite enigmatic, from what I've seen, they'll improve them with workflows but don't know when it'll be done
About the error, I'm quite curious why setting up database happens while frontend is trying to reach backend at the same time (assuming it really happens at the same time but timestamps don't match so it's unlikely)
I found this issue and from what I can tell, it's the same case
'Unable to connect to the database (core)' in freshly created docke...
Bug Description The server container throws an error on startup: server-1 | [Nest] 1 - 01/10/2025, 2:57:14 PM ERROR [TypeOrmModule] Unable to connect to the database (core). Retrying (1)... server-...
I assumed that the docker compose configuration would allocate memory if needed, but I could give that a shot
Thanks! I looked through issues to see if there was a solution but I didn't find that one. Looks like it's quite new so this might be a new issue overall. Do you know what actions I can take to bypass issues and get it running?
Sadly I don't know what should you do in order to have functioning app, I'm more surprised about 0.32.0 version as I don't recall such problems 🤔
I completely renewed the install, deleting all containers, images, volumes and the project, and reinstalled with the one-line script. There doesn't seem to be any issues except that I still can't reach the backend
A side note: I'm not actually using
to connect, could that be a problem? (sorry for the crappy log formatting)Okay started it on my local machine and it still didn't work until I added
to my .env
. Then on my nas I had to change the SERVER_URL
to match the URL I was using. After that it looks like it's working!
Neither one of those seems logged anywhere (unless I just missed it) so that could be improved and/or added to the .envThanks for the feedback, usually it appears in logs saying you are missing a boolean field. We'll see to add it in env.example!
Hello everyone! I've tried the above solutions but non of them seem to work. Error keeps saying: 'Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: "" '. and are produced on clean installations using docker one-line script. Perhaps i'm missing something, i'm totally new here, too.
localhost:3000 shows the popular error message, but
localhost:3000/graphql loads a Yoga GraphiQL page. Has me thinking that graphql works.
Although, when inspecting the errors, i locate this error: under /graphql
"errors": [
"message": "Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: """,
"extensions": {
"response": "Boolean cannot represent a non boolean value: """
"data": null
Any thoughts ?
This issue has fixed by this PR
you need to add config