Synchronization of Companies & Contacts not working after Reinstalling
Does anyone know how i can trigger the sync to auto populate the contact and companies etc? I experienced something odd yesterday where after setting up all the necessary Google Credentials in
file and what not, the Companies and Contacts started to stream in and get populated nicely.
However, as I was trying to troubleshoot why my emails were not showing, I did a fresh install of V0.22.0. Thereafter, no contact/companies started to get populated anymore, no matter what I try. I created a new Google Oauth, changed the client secret keys and all, but nothing seems to work. Everything is stagnant, and it has been 12 hours or more already.5 Replies
I can help troubleshoot 🙂
what is your setup regarding cache and queue?
redis / ram
pg-boss / bull-mq
Currently in my docker-compose.yml file i have
CACHE_STORAGE_TTL=3600 * 24 * 7
My docker-compose.yml looks like the following:
ok !
let's move to redis, it will be more bullet proof
could you add a redis container in your docker-compose? basic one no need for any configuration
then set up the following env variable on your server AND worker:
REDIS_HOST=redis (depending on how you call your container)
and then docker-compose up -d
then, let's register your cron again:
and then, let's try to disconnect / reconnect your account
Holy smokes. That worked! You are golden! Finally! Now the only thing left to solve for me is to figure out how to send emails from Twenty. That is also baffling the hell out of me as I have already sent all the relevant SMTP variables but can't seem to find anywhere that I can click to send an email in the UI. Let me create a new thread for that question, so that the info is more neatly organized for others in the future. I will definitely collate all these instructions/guidance/help that you shared and contribute back later in the form of better documentation. Cheers!