Twenty•7mo ago

Getting `"Unknown type \"WebhookFilterInput\"."` errors on my local setup

I have successfully setup the frontend and backend on my localhost but while trying to create a new webhook by running this query
"operationName": "CreateOneWebhook",
"query": "mutation CreateOneWebhook($input: WebhookCreateInput!) { createWebhook(data: $input) { __typename targetUrl description createdAt updatedAt id operation } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"targetUrl": "https://webhook.site/cb0a6704-87be-40d4-a6a8-a92c5e20ff0e",
"operation": "*.*",
"id": "95ff1b97-d290-4c57-9769-af77587e6377"
"operationName": "CreateOneWebhook",
"query": "mutation CreateOneWebhook($input: WebhookCreateInput!) { createWebhook(data: $input) { __typename targetUrl description createdAt updatedAt id operation } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"targetUrl": "https://webhook.site/cb0a6704-87be-40d4-a6a8-a92c5e20ff0e",
"operation": "*.*",
"id": "95ff1b97-d290-4c57-9769-af77587e6377"
I am getting the error -
"errors": [
"message": "Unknown type \"WebhookCreateInput\".",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 35
"message": "Cannot query field \"createWebhook\" on type \"Mutation\".",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 58
"errors": [
"message": "Unknown type \"WebhookCreateInput\".",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 35
"message": "Cannot query field \"createWebhook\" on type \"Mutation\".",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 58
I am not able to find the root-cause of the error. I am using postgres-on-docker and wsl2 to run the setup.
3 Replies
charles•7mo ago
I've just tried on our cloud, the following mutation is legit: {"operationName":"CreateOneWebhook","variables":{"input":{"targetUrl":"a","operation":"*.*","id":"169ec46a-82f2-45db-be1b-5ebd412035f8"}},"query":"mutation CreateOneWebhook($input: WebhookCreateInput!) {\n createWebhook(data: $input) {\n __typename\n createdAt\n description\n id\n updatedAt\n targetUrl\n operation\n }\n}"} make sure to pass a valid Bearer token (if you want to use the API you can generate an API key from your settings)
ns_(not)opOP•7mo ago
thanks for replying - did that and it ran successfully🙏
charles•7mo ago

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