Migrate from `twentycrm/twenty-postgres` to `twentycrm/twenty-postgres-spilo`
Hi all!
I just noticed the description in dockerhub for
mentions that this is now deprecated and we should be using twenty-postgres-spilo
Is it safe to switch out the image in the deployment, while retaining the same storage and environment vars? Or will this require backing up the DB, and restoring to the new postgres-spilo server?
TIA!3 Replies
Here are more information https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/pull/8309
Begin moving to postgres spilo + adding pgvector by FelixMalfait · ...
We will remove the twenty-postgres image that was used for local development and only use twenty-postgres-pilo (which we use in prod), bringing the development environment closer to prod and avoidi...
I'd wait when new version comes out as right now it's still work in progress and not everything has been migrated to spilo
yes, let's wait for now! I would recommend to make a dump of your data and to restore it (pg_dump to dump, psql to restore) but let's wait for 0.33