Error in local setup
I'm having problems setting up the app locally... This is the error:
Tasks not run because their dependencies failed or --nx-bail=true:
- twenty-front:start
Failed tasks:
- twenty-server:start
- twenty-ui:build
Warning: command "NODE_ENV=development && nest start --watch" exited with non-zero status code
4 Replies
HI @Hitarth Sheth, it seems that your OS in Windows. In this case, we recommend (and the official docs only supports) to us WSL
Twenty - Local Setup
Mostly for contributors or curious developers
I am still getting error using WSL.
please clone the repo in a UNIX folder (no C:/ & co) and make sure to have no spaces in your folder names, this doesn't behave well with nx (it's a known issue of ther tool)
You want your paths to be /home/my-user/twenty/...