Permission denied - PostgreSQL
For me, this compose file is resulting in the following error
I tried updating the
trickery but with no luck
Any advise?10 Replies
Update - I was able to overide permissions to clear the error.
however, the following issue is now present.
First time I see this issue and there was no recent change to this section in the docker-compose so I'm a bit surprised. Could you share more about how you are using this docker-compose?
yes. My lab is running on UnRaid with a Compose plugin on top.
I think it has something to do with it
this is what I see from the postgres container perspective
this is the Dockerfile of twenty-postgres:
so I don't know why you have this error, I would investigate what user is running postgres (if it's 1001 indeed)
and/or compare what you see doing ls -al from the container perspective
to do that you can override the postgres-container run command in your docker-compose to be "tail -f /dev/null" (does nothing but keeps the container open), then ssh into it and check whoami to get the user and run ls -al to check folders ownerhip
good luck!
great feedback... thank you. I'll report back with my progress.