Twenty10mo ago

Worker is terminating.

Worker is Terminating. Are there any configurations that needs to be done before I start using this new Feature ? Also, why is it terminating, I can see that it runs out of memory but is it because of some improper configurations or Injections of services ?
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17 Replies
charles10mo ago
Hi @D_Gamer! How much memory do you have on your worker, it's exactly the same configuration as the server internally, so you'll need a bit more than 2GB to run it at the moment
D_GamerOP10mo ago
How do I check that ? Also, where do we have these worker properties configured ?
charles10mo ago
how are you self-hosting, docker?
D_GamerOP10mo ago
This is running locally, on my machine with yarn start script.
charles10mo ago
okay what's your OS?
D_GamerOP10mo ago
charles10mo ago
could you run free -m ?
D_GamerOP10mo ago
this is the output
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charles10mo ago
ok so you have a lot but not that much free that being said I don't think it's the issue though is the worker also crashing on main?
D_GamerOP10mo ago
I guess so, currently I am merging 0.4.0 with 0.11.0, and this worker feature is new so If it is breaking then I must say it is on main.
charles10mo ago
okay, let's upgrade you to 0.11 (or even 0.12 first) Then the worker should be working, there is no reason why it should not At the moment, you'll need ~2GB to safely run the server and ~1GB for the worker so you should be good
D_GamerOP10mo ago
Okay. Got it. I hope it won't break in production through.
charles10mo ago
what do you mean? Do you also have a production on 0.4 somewhere else? the worker won't break your existing server. At the moment it's only used for webhooks / messaging jobs
D_GamerOP10mo ago
Actually I have already deployed version 0.4 on AWS ECS with Docker. Currently I am merging new features and I need to publish those as well. Of course there are some custom features I have developed myself. Cool ! Thanks for the explanation man ! Hey @charles, This worker is from Frontend Dev Server. Because frontend dev server keeps crashing.
charles10mo ago
what do you mean by "frontend dev server"?
D_GamerOP10mo ago
When I run “yarn nx start twenty-front” It starts a development server
charles10mo ago
ooooh okay! I thought you were talking about the worker executing async jobs (like for messaging or webhooks) so yes, the frontend needs 5GB in development mode (to get both hot reload while developing + typescript checks) If you are self-hosting you shouldn't run dev server and should serve static javascript If you are developping, you should either make sure you have at least 6GB or you can also disable typescript checks (you can modify vite.config.ts in twenty-front). You'll lose background typescript check but this is acceptable if you have a proper IDE doing the checks when you modify files

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