Twenty4mo ago

Filters, Search and Options not working

I tested v0.32 and 0.33, and as soon as I click on the filters in Companies, an error occurs: Server’s on a coffee break Object metadata item "viewFilterGroup" cannot be found in an array of 34 elements Klicking on options right top corner: Server’s on a coffee break Object metadata item "viewGroup" cannot be found in an array of 34 elements I have, of course, done the upgrade procedure. Unfortunately, I am still encountering many errors. The search function also doesn’t work at all. As soon as I click on "Search," another message appears: error
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12 Replies
charles4mo ago
Hi @thiel, on what version are you 0.32.0 or 0.32.3? If you have run the upgrade scripts, I think they have failed could you check your metadata.workspaceMigration table and see if there is any unapplied (appliedAt = null) migration. I think you might have some. If that's the issue, it's quite easy to fix
thielOP4mo ago
Right now i am on 0.33.0-canaray but i was on latest tag before so i think it was v0.32.3 Let me try to figure out how I can check the table. I am using Docker within Composer and did not do that before...
thielOP4mo ago
@charles All i got is this:
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thielOP4mo ago
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thielOP4mo ago
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charles4mo ago
in produciton you should never be on the canary, it's unstable 🙂 select * from metadata.workspaceMigratoin where appliedAt is null;
thielOP4mo ago
@charles I know, but I wanted to try if it might be due to the version. default=# select * from metadata.workspaceMigratoin where appliedAt is null; ERROR: relation "metadata.workspacemigratoin" does not exist LINE 1: select * from metadata.workspaceMigratoin where appliedAt is... ^
charles4mo ago
@thiel you need to add " " around camelCases table, are you familiar with SQL? select * from metadata."workspaceMigration" where "appliedAt" is null; sorry I meant to give a hint in the beginning and not the exact SQL query 🙂
Max Slamchest
Max Slamchest4mo ago
I'm seeing this on the hosted version, too?
charles4mo ago
@Max Slamchest you mean on the cloud version? If yes, it's not normal, please DM me your email and I'll take a look
thielOP4mo ago
it is selfhosted in my case @charles Yes, I know a little about it, but I haven't paid much attention to it... So, the following output is as follows: default=# select * from metadata."workspaceMigration" where "appliedAt" is null; id | migrations | name | isCustom | appliedAt | workspaceId | createdAt ----+------------+------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------- (0 rows) I have now reinstalled everything in parallel and imported the data, which, of course, doesn't work well because the data or tables have changed. But it's better than nothing.
charles4mo ago
as you are selfhosting, I recommend that you install a postgres client to modify / read your postgres sql data easily this will help you make modification on your data as our import tools are quite limited (Dbeaver, Postico are good tools)

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