Twenty10mo ago

Can OptimisticEffect work this way ?

Let’s say I have two objects “A” and “B”. Object A has ONE TO MANY relation with Object B. Now, I use “useFindManyRecords” for Object A and in its query fields I fetch Object B items as well. With this “useUpdateManyRecord” and other CRUD hooks for this same Object A works fine and optimistic effect is running properly as well. But now If I run “useDeleteOneRecord” for Object B then would the OptimisticEffect work as expected ? In my implementation it doesn’t seem to work.
9 Replies
charles10mo ago
Hi @D_Gamer, I'm missing some details in your case, could you be more specific and provide a way ti reproduce the issue (maybe with screenshots) ? OptimisticEffect should work in your case theoretically but we might have a bug, we know that a few edge cases are not properly covered
D_GamerOP10mo ago
Hey @charles , try to picture this There is a rolePermission System Object that I have created. I fetch records for this object using useFindManyRecords() like this...
const { records: newRolePermissions, loading } =
objectNameSingular: ROLE_PERMISSION_QUERY_KEY.objectNameSingular,
depth: 4,
filter: {
roleId: { eq: workspaceRole?.id },
objectMetadataId: {
in: activeObjectMetadataItems?.map(({ id }) => id),
queryFields: ROLE_PERMISSION_QUERY_KEY.fields,
const { records: newRolePermissions, loading } =
objectNameSingular: ROLE_PERMISSION_QUERY_KEY.objectNameSingular,
depth: 4,
filter: {
roleId: { eq: workspaceRole?.id },
objectMetadataId: {
in: activeObjectMetadataItems?.map(({ id }) => id),
queryFields: ROLE_PERMISSION_QUERY_KEY.fields,
export const ROLE_PERMISSION_QUERY_KEY: QueryKey = {
objectNameSingular: CoreObjectNameSingular.RolePermission,
variables: {},
fields: {
id: true,
objectMetadataId: true,
accessLevel: true,
hasLimitedAccess: true,
roleFieldPermissions: {
id: true,
recordId: true,
fieldMetadataId: true,
accessLevel: true,
roleAssignments: {
id: true,
recordId: true,
assignee: {
id: true,
name: true,
export const ROLE_PERMISSION_QUERY_KEY: QueryKey = {
objectNameSingular: CoreObjectNameSingular.RolePermission,
variables: {},
fields: {
id: true,
objectMetadataId: true,
accessLevel: true,
hasLimitedAccess: true,
roleFieldPermissions: {
id: true,
recordId: true,
fieldMetadataId: true,
accessLevel: true,
roleAssignments: {
id: true,
recordId: true,
assignee: {
id: true,
name: true,
Now, as per the data I am requesting, it will consists RoleAssignment objects, now at somepoint in flow, I am using useCreateOneRecord() to create new RoleAssignment for this RolePermission, and I expect that this should be reflected in my useFindManyRecords() records object and which should result in state update and trigger rerender. This is how I am creating a new RoleAssignment,
rolePermissionId: rolePermissionsMap.get(
rolePermissionedActiveObjectMetadata?.id as string,
)?.id as string,
recordId: rolePermissionedObjectRecord?.id as string,
createdById: currentWorkspaceMember?.id,
updatedById: currentWorkspaceMember?.id,
rolePermissionId: rolePermissionsMap.get(
rolePermissionedActiveObjectMetadata?.id as string,
)?.id as string,
recordId: rolePermissionedObjectRecord?.id as string,
createdById: currentWorkspaceMember?.id,
updatedById: currentWorkspaceMember?.id,
No description
D_GamerOP10mo ago
I think I will have to use useCreateOneRecordMutation, make api call manually and handle cache update myself. Hi @charles , let me know your thoughts on this.
charles10mo ago
(I'm trying to reproduce locally)
D_GamerOP10mo ago
Let me know if you need any more info on this.
charles10mo ago
Okay, back to it! @D_Gamer, I've investigated your issue So in a nutshell, it should work but we have bugs with optimistic rendering and relations. I think I know where it comes from and will tentatively make a fix for v0.11. What you can do for now, is to manually trigger optimistic rendering. Take a look at usePersistViewSortRecords for example, you could use: - apolloClient.mutate with update callback directly - triggerUpdateRecordOptimisticEffect with a record - there is a whole toolbox to interact with the cache: getRecordFromCache, getRecordConnectionFromRecords, ... If you haven't installed it, install the Apollo Chrome extension it helps a lot Note that we are 95% sure about the technical fundations of the optimistic rendering but the hook APIs in the code are going to slightly move in the upcoming weeks to ensure a good developer experience (the developer should not have to worry about optimistic rendering at all) I'll keep you posted on the fix
D_GamerOP10mo ago
Alrighty ! Thanks man. 🙃
charles10mo ago
We have updated optimistic in v0.10.4 (we have changed a bunch of things: depth is deprecated and queryFields ==> recordGqlFields) If you want to update your logic and you are still facing bug, I'm interested into troubleshooting issues with you
D_GamerOP10mo ago
Sure! Will try again and let you know.

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