How to work with Opportunities

Hi all, How are you working with Opportunities? I was expecting to see a "Lost" stage and that "Customer was named "Won", but this I can create and edit myself of course. 1. What do you do with opportunities that are lost? Simply delete them? 2. What do you do with opportunities that are won? Simply delete them? 3. When a company is connected/disconnected with a oppertunity, or a person is appointed "point of contact", i would like the company/person timeline to log a message about this. Is there a setting for this or a feature like this is not implemented? 4. It is great that "Created by" is available for all opportunities and automatically the workspace member creating the opportunity is assigned. However, I would like to have the option to appoint another workspace member as "Opportunity Owner", sort of like the default field "Account Owner" is available for Companies. But i don't think this is a feature availble at the moment, is that correct?
3 Replies
thomast3w ago
1. et 2. You can edit the stage enum in the data model directly. Why wouldn't you add all stages you need? 3. Not implemented indeed. I think it will appear in opportunity timeline though? 4. Workspace members are not available for relations. Maybe you can add them to the Person table. Then you can simply add a new field Owner on the opportunity that is a relation with Person
tobbecoktaOP3w ago
1 and 2: We could. But then it would still show as Oppertunities when browsing the company/person connected to the oppertunity. And that would make our sales reps think there is an open Oppertunity, even though there is not. 3. Yes it will show in teh oppertonity timeline, but if a Company or Person have beed added to teh Oppertunity, I would like this to show in their timeline as well. But this could perhaps be added through Workflows in the future? 4. Ah ok, yes that is a workaround. Thanks!
thomast3w ago
1.2. Then you can either delete your opportunities, either add a property closed on it. And then you create a view that does not show the closed properties. But that's already what "deleted" is meant to do. You can access the delete opportunities if you add the filter. Those won't be totaly gone, just not shown anymore 3. Yes the only way you can play with timeline today is through API. So you could have a workflow that listen to opportunity updates and then create a timeline activity

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