Twenty4mo ago

Disable sign up not working

I set the environment variable IS_SIGN_UP_DISABLED=true but after restarting, the sign up is still activated. Since twenty is only used for internal purposes, I want to disable the sign ups.
15 Replies
ɃØĦɆᵾS4mo ago
The sign up is (or at least should be) disabled when variable is uncommented but it applies only when users try to create new workspaces, if someone sends an invite, then sign up works normally despite active environment variable
evoteal4mo ago
Hey, the issue can indeed be reproduced. IS_SIGN_UP_DISABLED=true is getting ignored and can still create new workspaces.
evoteal4mo ago
Environment variable IS_SIGN_UP_DISABLED ignored · Issue #8386 · tw...
Description Twenty ignores set environment variable IS_SIGN_UP_DISABLED with value "true". Twenty fails to block new workspace creation. Expected behavior Block the creation of new accoun...
Raph4mo ago
I would suspect an unannounced .env change. It's probably slightly different in a new version.
evoteal4mo ago
This really is a showstopper. Can't reveal twenty installation behind proxy until fixed. Sadly, I'm very new to the project and not ready to contribute.
Raph4mo ago
well there's that.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You could take a spin through the code base and at least figure out where it's breaking down. Or, if you're not into that you can create an issue on github. The project is more or less in a pre-alpha state. I do think the team could do a much better job announcing changes such as env vars and things that will break upon upgrade.
evoteal4mo ago
I have created the above posted issue I don't think that this is an excepted to break variable as the Redis URL/Port/Host thing. But lets see
Raph4mo ago
yes, the redis/bullmq thing started as a mystery too. It's really unnecessary for those things to kind of happen, but they're building and deploying at a really crazy pace. If you're not keepig up it's easy to get left behind. I suppose there is a migration guide to follow: https://twenty.com/developers/section/self-hosting/upgrade-guide
ɃØĦɆᵾS4mo ago
They're working on communication as far as I can tell (I know it firsthand 😆) but if you have any proposals how to make it more clear, feel free to write down
Raph4mo ago
I always try to follow up with a solution!
ɃØĦɆᵾS4mo ago
About building pace, I guess that's the startup thing?
Raph4mo ago
charles3mo ago
We haven't voluntarily touched this IS_SIGN_UP_DISABLED part, i'm investigating the issue And yep we are voluntarily iterating fast for now. The more users we have, the harder it will be ; we need to make all the biggest mistakes early! We are currently releasing a new version every two weeks and the upgrade guide is making sure that users can "seamlessly" upgrade from a minor version to the next one. It is still challenging for self hosters as they cannot skip a version. We will likely start allowing cross minor versions upgrade next year (but this comes at a cost regarding the product roadmap) Just tried locally
charles3mo ago
No description
charles3mo ago
IS_SIGN_UP_DISABLED=true should work
could you ssh in your container / machine running the server, run env and make sure the environment variable is there

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