Gmail email sync (not calendar sync) intermittently stuck.
Hey All, I'm back again wrestling with the email sync issue that seems to hang or not complete. Does anyone have any verbose methods for watching the command work? The logs are relatively opaque and not very informative.
Thus far I've used all of the following commands:
I'm not sure if the stale process is killing my imports, but the app has stopped importing emails. I'm running these commands via cron every 30 minutes.
Any ideas?
10 replies
It is possible to permanently delete a people record?
Is a soft delete the only supported option to remove people? Once I'm in the People Deleted view, and I delete the Person again shouldn't the action be permanent?
In most cases the issue is that of a merged record. Where multiple variations of the same person or company came in via email or calendar. I know this issue is being tracked in a separate issue.
However, there are some records that just need to be purged/deleted from the UI. Does that exist?
14 replies
Is anyone using Metabase or similar to understand analytical dimensions of activity within Twenty?
Hey All, I'm in the beginning stages of getting deeper into the activity and use of what's happening from those on our team using of twenty. Has anyone started to use tools like metabase/tableau/Grafana/Superset to see how your users are using twenty?
27 replies
Is anyone using/following this n8n nodes project for Twenty?
I use n8n for some workflows to sync share data between several systems. I recently came across this project on github and I have it installed on my self-hosted version of n8n. It's a great start and only fully supports 33.4 (as far as I can tell)
Here is the package for n8n if you'd like to install it:
It doesn't seem to be well known here and so I'm doing what I can to help generate some support and hopefully some contribution to mature the project.
It's a great start, but it isn't perfect especially for 33.4 that I'm sitting on for now.
Is anyone interested in contributing?
11 replies
I think I may have suffered a migration regression for "phones". Migration from v.0.33 to v0.34
Hey All, I went through the path of updating from v.0.33 to v.0.34 and I'm experiencing some regression on the DB in the form of phones. Can somsone point me to the migrations files for the new phone structure and the migrations that were supposed to take place? Although I'll keep digging, I haven't been able to locate the migrations that changes the phones format and country code.
I'm currently getting the following error and it's broken my FE:
I can certainy create the column, but I'm also missing the others like phone.phonesPrimaryPhoeCountryCode. All of these columns are missing from my person schema. Super weird, and kinda scary.
53 replies
How to tell if new contacts are being generated from email?
Hey All, I'm suspicious about my email generating new people from email and calendar activity. I know the message are coming in, but I'm not sure if the process that creates a new person from those activities is working as it should. I've sent and received email that should have generated new people in the app but so far nothing has been created. Any ideas on how to see if that is working properly?
49 replies
Welp, all of my companies have been soft deleted.
Just upgraded to 30.2 and all of the companies are acting like they're soft deleted!! It seems like all of the connections between people and companies have been broken. 😬
Is there any quick way short of running a query in psql to get them back?
63 replies
502 Error
Hey All, I'm randomly getting a 502 error on a few actions. I can see the following occur in the logs:
2024-10-01 16:05:02.099 GMT [180316] ERROR: foreign-data wrapper "airtable_fdw" already exists
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address 4b5f320d2be1[692]: 2024-10-01 16:05:02.099 GMT [180316] STATEMENT:
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address 4b5f320d2be1[692]: #011 CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER "airtable_fdw"
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address 4b5f320d2be1[692]: #011 HANDLER "airtable_fdw_handler"
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address4b5f320d2be1[692]: #011 VALIDATOR "airtable_fdw_validator";
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address4b5f320d2be1[692]: #011
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address 791ff1ca4172[692]: query failed:
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address791ff1ca4172[692]: CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER "airtable_fdw"
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address 791ff1ca4172[692]: HANDLER "airtable_fdw_handler"
Oct 1 16:05:02 ip-address 791ff1ca4172[692]: VALIDATOR "airtable_fdw_validator";
what is the fdw_handler trying to do?6 replies