


Building a modern Open Source CRM, powered by the community





ApolloError + blank page, can't access any objects

Hi I'm currently unable to access any of my objects. I'm getting a white page and can't really navigate anywhere other than settings. At the bottom right I get ApolloError and a few other error messages. I've tried clearing my browser cache...
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White page on creation

I've been trying to host the crm for the last few days. I'm using proxmox container. At first I tried Portainer with a docker-compose script to import the needed subcontainers. Then tried a standard proxmox container Deb 11, 12, and ubuntu. All of which does exactly the same....
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Wrong country code being added to incoming phone numbers

For some reason, when phone numbers are add to my CRM (coming from a botpress bot via HTTP Request), +33 country code is added the number and I can't figure out a way to change the default country code. We are only collecting US numbers and this happens when 10 digit numbers are received. Am I missing something here? I feel like this just all of a sudden started happening. Thank you in advance!

Help with VPS self hosted instance

Having trouble configuring the SERVER_URL and REACT_APP_SERVER_BASE_URL env variables. I am able to run Twenty using the domain for the server, but not the proxied domain. I am using a different port and tried following the docs for the reverse proxy instructions, but the proxy is trying to access the graphql route from the server domain and not the proxy domain. I am using a Cloudflare Tunnel for the reverse proxy. Let me know if I need to provide my compose file and .env. Thanks!...

Webapp gets blank after an hour of idle session

Hi, I’m encountering an issue with my development/twenty environment and could use some assistance. Here are the details: Issue Description: When I leave the tab open in my development environment for about half an hour and then return, the site no longer functions. The page appears blank, and refreshing the page doesn’t resolve the issue....

Can't host Twenty - twenty-db-1 is unhealthy

Hey, I've been following this guide here via Option 2. I use Portainer to host it. In the end I run into the following error: ...

Migrate to 0.24.0 fails :(

I am migrating to 0.24.0 and followed the Upgrade Guide as I did in the previous Upgrades as well. Unfortunately, it does not work properly and I am unable to access the app properly. Does anybody has a idea? Command yarn command:prod workspace:sync-metadata -f returns ```...

How to Make Changes and Test in Local

I have sucessfully setup the repo in my local using docker . i went to packages and inside packages twenty docker there i ran the commands they told in the guide . Now where can i make changes and how to test changes i am new to this repo structure. Can someone guide me how...

Can't figure out how to use the application

Hi there, I just paid subscribed to Twenty. Opened a clean incognito Arc window to test it....
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Can't filter between two number values

Wanted to ask here before raising a bug/featreq. Currently, if I add a greater than filter to a number field in Companies, then try to add a less than filter, my first filter just gets replaced by the second. As far as I can tell, there's no way for me to filter between two values, which seems like a miss. Can anybody replicate this or is it just happening on my local instance?...

How to backup existing DB data to latest twenty version ?

Hello, Everytime we make any changes to add custome field or entity to DB, the changes doesn't get reflected in .nx cache folder or dist folder in twenty server. Is there any way i can sync changes made in code to cache folder and dist. ?

Is there a limit on the createManyCompanies endpoint?

When doing a bulk upload of companies via the UI, the operation fails if there are more than 2000 rows. Does that limitation also apply to the Core Rest API?

Unable to Sign In

I'm new to the codebase of twenty I've tried setting it up according to
the contributor guide
but It's having an error when Signing up ...

Update record in database

Hello everyone, I’m trying to implement a reminder feature for tasks and would like to know how I can insert a value into the database. I’ve already created the fields but I can’t manage to insert the data into the database...
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Password container db

Does anyone know what the root password is for the twenty db container?

JS heap out of memory

I'm getting this JS heap out of memory error when i run "npx nx start" command
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Does anyone know how I can access TWENTY's PostgreSQL in Docker compose?

Does anyone know how I can access TWENTY's PostgreSQL in Docker compose? I uploaded a docker compose to easypanel, but I can't access the database to make a backup or extract the database.

Forgot to end trial - can I get a refund?

Hello guys I tried app and forgot to detach my card. I have been charged for one month - I dont want to use it can I get a refund for invoice: 11D1D860-0002

What's the best way to bulk add/remove fields?

If it's the api, what's the most appropriate end point?

how to create metadata for attachments?

Hi, I am adding several attachments to an object but would like to store the type of the attachment as well (eg. contract/ invoice/ etc) I don’t want to create a separate object for it. Is this possible?