


Building a modern Open Source CRM, powered by the community





v0.22 upgrade warnings

Hey! We have just released v0.22.0 🎉 If you self-host you will need to run the below commands to transition to v0.22.0: ```...

Twenty - Releases

🎉 0.4.0 is out! 🎉 130 PRs are parts of this one with the help of 30 contributors! A technical word about migrating from 0.3.3 to 0.4.0 as we have introduced a few breaking changes: 1. We have introduced changes on core and metadata schema to account for multi-workspace...

Is it ok to add double quote here or do

Is it ok to add double quote here or do we need another value? ENABLE_DB_MIGRATIONS: "True"...

I replaced the server url in the test:

I replaced the server url in the test:
test: curl --fail http://${SERVER_URL}/healthz
test: curl --fail http://${SERVER_URL}/healthz

Thanks @Freebios !

Thanks @Freebios ! Testing in Ubuntu env: Installation went well. As this is a remote server I have to replace localhost by server name. So I stopped the docker and I got errors...

Did something break on front end I did a

Did something break on front end? I did a fetch all and ran the app this is what I got
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