Created by Dream on 11/24/2024 in #❓︱help
Deleting a member errors
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Created by Dream on 10/15/2024 in #❓︱help
can't open api imported attachment?
I am importing from a csv file automatically with a Python script. All is working perfectly how I want it with the person import and company assignment. Now I'm trying to attach the original .csv file that i used to import that person onto the "files" section. I've gotten it to actually succeed the attachment, but it errors when trying to download or open that attachment. Here's the error: {"statusCode":400,"message":"Folder is not allowed","error":"Bad Request"} Later on I want to attach a picture alongside this as well, but for now, just the csv is fine Side question: I got the required AuthorID from attaching a file myself and then using the findmultipleattachment function to get my own authorID. What is the proper way of getting this?
8 replies
Created by Dream on 10/14/2024 in #❓︱help
Api check for duplicate
How can I check if a company already exist before attempting to import? From what I understand, I need a UUID, but I don't see a way to retrieve the UUID? I'm trying to prevent duplicates from being generated if the company/person already exists in the database
4 replies
Created by Dream on 10/12/2024 in #❓︱help
Import csv questions
Good day. Is there any way to import a csv in such a way that seperate columns are used at the same time for a single field? Like, I have 2 columns in a csv "First name" and "last name". This is how it is generated from source. Can I use this somehow to assign both together to a "name" field on Twenty? I also need to import CSV's automatically once it's added to a folder. I was thinking a watcher script to monitor a folder on linux. Once added, file is detected. Is there a way to start the "import" function so that the CSV content is added automatically?
23 replies
Created by Dream on 9/18/2024 in #❓︱help
White page on creation
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