Twenty4mo ago

Update from .31 to .32 killed my Zapier Authentication.

Hey All, anyone run into any issues with Zapier after upgrading to .32? At the moment all of my zaps are failing due to the following response: Any ideas on what happened here?
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58 Replies
martmull4mo ago
Hey, thank you for reporting, I am checking that tomorrow
RaphOP4mo ago
Sounds like a plan, @martmull ! Is there an issue that is being tracked?
martmull4mo ago
Nope, you can create one if you like. Are you using zaps on your self hosted instance or on app.twenty.com?
martmull4mo ago
Erratum there is one issue to track zapier related issues https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/issues/8149
⚡Zapier Master Issue · Issue #8149 · twentyhq/twenty
The content you are editing has changed. Please copy your edits and refresh the page. Tasks Beta Give feedback Creating a new company in twenty doesn't activate on Zapier #8130 type: bug +1 typ...
martmull4mo ago
ok, my hypothesis is that the issue is not related to zapier integration, but on authentication. If I remember well, we changed the way tokens are encoded (we now have only one token and not multiple onces) -> https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/pull/7810/files It occurs that all users add to reconnect when migrating to 0.0.32 @charles do you confirm?
RaphOP4mo ago
Hey @martmull thanks for looking into this. When I try to reauthenticate zapier I end up with the error that I posted above.
martmull4mo ago
ok, did you update your API key?
RaphOP4mo ago
The process is something like this: 1. I generate the token in my self hosted Twenty. 2. I go to zapier to reset my twenty token. 3. I set the URL and token as specified by zapier. 4. Upon the save action the response above is the result. I see the 200 so the endpoint is fine, but the rest isn't. It's like the self hosted version of twenty isn't accepting the token as valid. But yes, to confirm I did create a new token. I can try again and will report back. Just to confirm, I just created another token to test and this was the response:
authentication failed: query: query currentWorkspace {currentWorkspace {id displayName}}, error: {"message":"query: query currentWorkspace {currentWorkspace {id displayName}}, error: [{\"message\":\"Token invalid.\",\"extensions\":{\"code\":\"UNAUTHENTICATED\"}}]","code":"ApiError","status":200}
authentication failed: query: query currentWorkspace {currentWorkspace {id displayName}}, error: {"message":"query: query currentWorkspace {currentWorkspace {id displayName}}, error: [{\"message\":\"Token invalid.\",\"extensions\":{\"code\":\"UNAUTHENTICATED\"}}]","code":"ApiError","status":200}
martmull4mo ago
@Raph would it be possible to have a call so you can show me the problem? I must be missing something because I can't reproduce
RaphOP4mo ago
@martmull definitely! When would you be available?
martmull4mo ago
Is Tuesday ok for you?
RaphOP4mo ago
I can do from 8-9am EST. Would that work?
martmull4mo ago
charles4mo ago
@Raph are you on the latest version v0.32.3? Previous API_TOKEN should still work and newly generate ones too Have you set your APP_SECRET for 0.32 ? (if you want previously created token to keep working you actually need to keep ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET for backward compatibility)
RaphOP4mo ago
Hi @charles , I'm on v.0.32.0 Even in th instance when I create a NEW token the auth on Zapier still fails.
charles4mo ago
please try v0.32.3, we might had an issue on v0.32.0
RaphOP4mo ago
Sounds good. I'll give it a shot and report back.
charles4mo ago
there is not data migration between the too, so you can just upgrade your container should be seemless
RaphOP4mo ago
Awesome. I'll start working on that. I appreciate the support. Also, @charles ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET is still intact in the env.
charles4mo ago
okay so using the latest one, your old token should still work (or you can also generate a new one as you prefer)
RaphOP4mo ago
Well, I updated to v0.32.3 but the app still says v0.32.0 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
RaphOP4mo ago
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charles4mo ago
That's not normal 😄 are you sure you are on v0.32.3? you should see v0.32.3 (just double checked)
RaphOP4mo ago
lol - I double checking.. Dealing with some weirdness today.
ɃØĦɆᵾS4mo ago
Can confirm, I'm on main and have 0.32.0
charles4mo ago
main is on v0.32.0 indeed (it should actually be v0.33.0-canary) but v0.32.3 tag is on 0.32.3 command shift + R ? 😄
RaphOP4mo ago
I see an error: 'Metadata version not found for workspace 7219d9c5-76fd-4248-aacb-7e4523319680 🤔 hmm. Maybe a redis flush?
charles4mo ago
does it persist on refresh? it can happen on upgrade but should auto-recover yes I think we are flushing a little bit too much on upgrade
RaphOP4mo ago
yeah, it recovers. After a refresh I don't see it. BUT I also don't see the version update on the settings > General page. So let me dig into that a bit. yarn command should do it.. The logs looks like it is.
charles4mo ago
you should not have to run yarn commands on your prod container I'm in the train and I cannot pull v0.32.3 on my laptop
RaphOP4mo ago
all good..
charles4mo ago
you are self-hosting through the regular docker-compose, right?
RaphOP4mo ago
correct. Although, at times I have used yard to ensure migrations aren't sitting around unexecuted. in my .env I have SOFTWARE_VERSION_TAG=v0.32.3 I'm going to revert back to 32.0 and step up by version to 32.3. I'm pretty sure that I did, BUT.. I'm human.
charles4mo ago
could you ssh in your container cat /app/packages/twenty-server/package.json
RaphOP4mo ago
charles4mo ago
I'm not sure what SOFTWARE_VERSION_TAG is
RaphOP4mo ago
Just a way for me to keep track of my envs
charles4mo ago
what's important is to have:
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charles4mo ago
TAG should be v0.32.3 (or latest)
RaphOP4mo ago
yeah still sitting at v0.32.0 🤔
charles4mo ago
you are not on the right container, not sure what's wrong :p likely a small mistake :p
RaphOP4mo ago
lol - I'll dig into it for a bit and see if I have other containers sitting around.
charles4mo ago
keep me updated!
RaphOP4mo ago
no extra containers sitting out there, but something is "off" I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the hints! Any chance we can move this to 8:15am ET? I have meeting at 9:00am ET and need about 10 mins of travel time to get there.
martmull4mo ago
Hey Raph, it won’t be possible for me. Think 15/20 min will be great to figure out something. We will plan another meeting if necessary https://meet.google.com/fjz-xnjv-zdo @Raph don't hesitate to suggest another meeting today
RaphOP4mo ago
@martmull does the same time tomorrow morning work? So it would be 8:30am ET on 11/13.
martmull4mo ago
Hey, tomorrow I won’t be available before 9am
RaphOP4mo ago
I’m pretty flexible tomorrow. Let me know what’s convenient time for you and I’ll make it work.
martmull4mo ago
RaphOP4mo ago
@martmull that works for me! Thank you!
martmull4mo ago
Ok perfect https://meet.google.com/fjz-xnjv-zdo here ok for you ? ready @Raph ?
RaphOP4mo ago
Ha! I was worried about the time zones.. So I’m in the US (NYC) time. It’s currently 9:19am EST. Where are you located, or what time is it where you are at?
martmull4mo ago
haha ok no problem
RaphOP4mo ago
International Meeting Planner
Find the best time to have a meeting across time zones.
martmull4mo ago
Paris time
RaphOP4mo ago
Ok When are you free next in Paris time?
martmull4mo ago
17:30pm is good to me, will be 11:30am for you isn't it? (message above edited) so it matches our initial meet schedule Available tomorrow after 3:30pm Paris time
RaphOP4mo ago
I don't think it's necessary to meet @martmull Something beginning with 33.0 changed and I was able to reauthenticate my zaps. None of my prior API keys worked, but when I create a new API key I was able to authenticate Zapier. @charles regarding the version issue. I had found that something was wonky with the docker image where version 32.0 persisted all the way to 32.3. I'm not sure what happened? Perhaps an artifact, but moving to main fixed all of my issues. (Except for the Gmail contact as TBD) We'll call it growing pains! Thanks for all of your help!

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