Twenty4w ago

Migration from 0.33.0 to 0.34.0 causes errors

Hi ! Thanks for your amazing work ! I made updates from 0.22.0 to 0.32.0 following your guidelines (https://twenty.com/developers/section/self-hosting/upgrade-guide) from step to step without any problem. I switched postgres container image from twentycrm/twenty-postgres:${TAG} to twentycrm/twenty-postgres-spilo:${TAG} during 0.31.0 -> 0.32.0 migration, made dump export and reimport, and it worked fine. However, I'm always facing an issue during the 0.32.0 -> 0.33.0 migration. All steps work fine, but when I try to connect to the website after migration, I see that (screenshot 1). After looking at docker logs, I can see this error (screenshot 2). I don't know if logs error and website error are linked. Does anyone know how can I solve it please ? Thanks !
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9 Replies
CrospOP4w ago
Hi, I still can't update my twenty instance. Does anyone know something about that ? Also, does some tools exist to export/import database from an instance to another ? Then maybe I could try to setup a fresh new version instance and migrate data on it ? Thanks !
thomast3w ago
Hi! The logs you are showing should not be an issue do you see errors in your server or frontend console?
CrospOP3w ago
Hi ! Thank you for your answer. These are the only errors I see from a global docker compose logs command
thomast3w ago
could you display your server logs
CrospOP3w ago
Sorry I didn't see this I'm using AUTH_MICROSOFT to authenticate the users
thomast3w ago
this is not relevant either. That happens when you try to access a page while not logged in. Can you clear your cookies and try to log again? You also need to figure out if the error is coming from the backend or frontend
CrospOP3w ago
I already tried to delete cookies many times, change browser and use private sessions, unhappily unsuccessfully. How can I figure out if the errors comes from backend or frontend please ?
CrospOP3w ago
I see another error message from Chromium
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thomast3w ago
do you see errors in network, console ?

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