12 Replies
on signingin
query failed: SELECT "KeyValuePair"."id" AS "KeyValuePair_id", "KeyValuePair"."userId" AS "KeyValuePair_userId", "KeyValuePair"."workspaceId" AS "KeyValuePair_workspaceId", "KeyValuePair"."key" AS "KeyValuePair_key", "KeyValuePair"."value" AS "KeyValuePair_value", "KeyValuePair"."textValueDeprecated" AS "KeyValuePair_textValueDeprecated", "KeyValuePair"."type" AS "KeyValuePair_type", "KeyValuePair"."createdAt" AS "KeyValuePair_createdAt", "KeyValuePair"."updatedAt" AS "KeyValuePair_updatedAt", "KeyValuePair"."deletedAt" AS "KeyValuePair_deletedAt" FROM "core"."keyValuePair" "KeyValuePair" WHERE (("KeyValuePair"."userId" IS NULL) AND ("KeyValuePair"."workspaceId" = $1) AND ("KeyValuePair"."key" = $2) AND ("KeyValuePair"."type" = $3)) -- PARAMETERS: ["20202020-1c25-4d02-bf25-6aeccf7ea419","SYNC_EMAIL_ONBOARDING_STEP","USER_VAR"]
error: error: column KeyValuePair.textValueDeprecated does not exist
also demo.twenty.com is behaving the same way
HI @nitin!
Demo has a different problem, I working on it
Regarding you local environement, you should either:
- npx nx run twenty-server:database:reset to get a fresh new databases (core schema has been modified)
- yarn database:migrate:prod
ohh that makes sense, i did not reset the db
no worries!
is it regarding the signinmodal rendering twice?
first time the wrong way?
No, I believe this is the root cause: https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/commit/dcb8c7c03a47dd31f0fd644dcf29e28778bbfe6e
it's a new feature we have recently introduced
I could see these errors on demo site
Multiple values found for key INVITE_TEAM_ONBOARDING_STEP at user level
I am sure u have noticed them tooit should be back 🙂
We use demo as our pre-prod (to avoid maintaining too many environments), so sometimes we have bugs that get to this point
yes its back
need to get familiar with the backend
nestjs scares me a bit
too opinionated
I'm not a super fan either but it seems to be the best shot in the typescript ecosystem
💯 agree