Setting up Twenty locally
Everytime I run
make ...
command, I get the following error
How do I fix this?26 Replies
I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.6 if that helps
GG @ɃØĦɆᵾS, you just advanced to level 1!
If I change the version from 3.9 to 3.6, it works, but I get another error
When I deleted
from Makefile, it went further, but I got another error
Hi @ɃØĦɆᵾS Do you have a m1 or m2 chip ?
No, AMD Ryzen
I don't have any Mac devixe
It seems that there is a problem with your docker engine
Could you update it ?
Docker Documentation
Install Docker Engine
Choose the best method for you to install Docker Engine. This client-server application is available on Linux, Mac, Windows, and as a static binary.
Rather the problem lies in fact that docker-compose becomes slowly obsolete
It's strange that it tries to build for arm64, I checked and saw nothing associated with it in the dockerfiles ...
How can I change this then to download proper package for arm64 architecture?
Your architecture should be amd64 so check that your docker engine matches this architecture
It is x86_64
That's weird
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GG @Jérémy, you just advanced to level 1!
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Hi @ɃØĦɆᵾS any update on your issue ?
Not really, once I get back to home, I'll check it
@ɃØĦɆᵾS A contributor just pushed a PR which should fix your problem !
Could you try pulling main and redoing everything from start again ?
fix docker dev by tomalexing · Pull Request #1844 · twentyhq/twenty
Lets fix the docker's dev infa for all the possible TARGETARCH.
[+] Building 0.2s (8/9) ...
@Lucas yes, I can
Tbh, it now failed on 9th step
Also, I had to make 2 changes I wrote about earlier: changing version from 3.9 to 3.7 (that's the highest version supported for me) and deleting
from Makefile
@Lucas the fix is really easy, replace all docker-compose
with docker compose
, I can commit it once I get back, create a new issue or comment it in #1844?If it's something that should be added in the documentation it's better to open a PR even for a tiny change like that.
Right now it's really helpful because this step of the setup is still a bit buggy for some people, so your experience is precious !
Ok, I'll create a PR once I get back to home
Update troubleshooting.mdx by BOHEUS · Pull Request #1895 · twentyh...
Updated troubleshooting.mdx with possible solution to Docker related problems
I'll create more PRs once I set up properly the machine to write backend tests
Could someone mark this post as "Solved"? It looks like I'm unable to do it