Twentyβ€’9mo ago

Cannot add new elements (person, company or opportunity)

Hello, we have an already populated twenty instance... After the update we are not able to add anywthing new and we gett an apollo error 500. In the logs we get 'twenty | Exception Captured twenty | { twenty | operation: { name: 'CreateOnePerson', type: 'mutation' }, twenty | document: 'mutation CreateOnePerson($input: PersonCreateInput!) {\n' + twenty | ' createPerson(data: $input) {\n' + twenty | ' __typename\n' + twenty | ' favorites {\n' + twenty | ' edges {\n' + twenty | ' node {\n' + twenty | [ twenty | GraphQLError: Variable "$input" got invalid value "first" at "input.position"; Float cannot represent non numeric value: "first"' We already did db init and migrations. We are running on docker and tried the latest docker-compose too
3 Replies
I had same/similar issue and solved it in this thread: https://discord.com/channels/1130383047699738754/1217811495782580255 (quite a few manual steps i got step by step help with so not exactly easy to follow)
StixOPβ€’9mo ago
Thanks, we ended up exporting the data manually and starting fresh again. This CRM is really a mess
charlesβ€’9mo ago
Sorry about that Stix, we will start supporting smooth minor version upgrades on 0.10. The scripts are ready but still very experimental for now
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