Twenty3mo ago

database reset error.

I get an error saying "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" after running the code npx nx database:reset twenty-server.
14 Replies
oyiksOP3mo ago
NX Successfully ran target database:migrate for project twenty-server and 2 tasks it depends on (3m) Nx read the output from the cache instead of running the command for 2 out of 3 tasks. NX Nx detected a flaky task twenty-server:database:migrate Flaky tasks can disrupt your CI pipeline. Automatically retry them with Nx Cloud. Learn more at https://nx.dev/ci/features/flaky-tasks
nx command-no-deps -- cache:flush
nx run twenty-server:command-no-deps cache:flush
node dist/src/command/command.js cache:flush
Illegal instruction (core dumped) gabi@DESKTOP-FI8PK14:~/twenty$
Identify and Re-run Flaky Tasks
Learn how Nx Cloud is able to automatically identify flaky tasks and re-run them for you.
thomast3mo ago
I don't get from where the error is coming from can you try to run npx nx run twenty-server:command cache:flush
oyiksOP3mo ago
Okay then After running npx nx run twenty-server:command cache:flush, I got this error gabi@DESKTOP-FI8PK14:~/twenty$ npx nx run twenty-server:command cache:flush ✔ 1/1 dependent project tasks succeeded [1 read from cache] Hint: you can run the command with --verbose to see the full dependent project outputs ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
nx run twenty-server:build [local cache]
rimraf dist
nest build --path ./tsconfig.build.json
- TSC Initializing type checker... ✔ TSC Initializing type checker...
TSC Found 0 issues. SWC Running...
Successfully compiled: 1724 files with swc (362.23ms)
nx run twenty-server:command cache:flush
node dist/src/command/command.js cache:flush
Illegal instruction (core dumped) gabi@DESKTOP-FI8PK14:~/twenty$ I am using 8gb RAM on my computer. I hope it's not the reason why I'm having this issue.
Raph3mo ago
I believe you're at a ram limitation. Look around within discord and you'll see others that are running locally running into the same issues.
oyiksOP3mo ago
Does still mean I won't be able to install the setup locally afterall?
Raph3mo ago
I believe so. I haven't installed it locally in a while, but the minimum recommended for local installs is like 16GB.
Shawn_H3mo ago
How much RAM is recommended if it's hosted on a VPS such as AWS LightSail?
oyiksOP3mo ago
So, how did you install it?
Raph3mo ago
https://discord.com/channels/1130383047699738754/1313503669785858088 <-- Take a look here. @Shawn_H Much less if you're not linting and compiling. Bare min is probably 8Gb, 2cpu 20gb. That would be bare minimum for me. @oyiks - I followed this guide.
Raph3mo ago
Twenty - Local Setup
The guide for contributors (or curious developers) who want to run Twenty locally (on laptop, PC...)
oyiksOP3mo ago
This is the same I follow though,
thomast3mo ago
@oyiks can you: - shut down frontend / backend - run the npx nx database:reset twenty-server - monitor the RAM that is used while running that command 8GB may be low for running frontend, and you may have to disable VITE / TS check as suggested here https://discord.com/channels/1130383047699738754/1313503669785858088 But resetting the DB should not throw an error
oyiksOP3mo ago
Resetting the DB throws this error "Illegal instruction (core dumped)".
thomast3mo ago
you need to monitor your ram at the same time to know if this is indeed a ram issue

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