Workspace Schema not found for workspace ...

Whenever I create a has many to and from two different objects it crashes. Also when I create an object with a relation, and then delete that object it crashes. Restarting doesn't help it, and I have backups, but they are 30 minutes old and that is a lot of missing data entry. Anyways, thanks for the efforts, I want this to be successful, let me know if you would like any other details. It's running on Kubernetes and we hope to use Twenty CRM to it's full potential in the future.
9 Replies
Prastoin2w ago
Hello @kibblewhite, I assume you're running a self hosted instance What version are you running on please ?
Also when I create an object with a relation, and then delete that object it crashes.
With custom objects or standard objects ? This is a very basic feature of Twenty it seems weird for it to fail
kibblewhiteOP2w ago
Yes you are correct, I'm just double checking the version, but it was the latest release since earlier today.
Prastoin2w ago
Ok we're having trouble on the latest 0.42, using the latest might be quite flaky Unless I'm mistaken the most stable should be 0.42.5
kibblewhiteOP2w ago
Yes with custom objects. It is possible for me to video/screen capture as I do it if needs be, so I have been about to reproduce this issue quiet consistantly.
Prastoin2w ago
Having a video repro would be great If you could also please confirm the Twenty version when you have the information You can find it in your .env or either on the started client in the settings
kibblewhiteOP2w ago
I believe I was using version v0.42.2 I can see some new images on dockerhub too, v0.42.5 I'll try and get a video on here in a short while.
Prastoin2w ago
Okay sounds good, indeed v0.42.2 seems to be down If I was you I would stick to 0.42.4, we're having blocking issues on the 0.42.5 at the moment
kibblewhiteOP2w ago
Okay noted, thanks for getting back to me. I'll keep an eye out on docker hub for new releases.
Prastoin2w ago
No worries, let me know ! Have a nice evening/day

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