I built a new Railway.app template, but is it complete?

Hi there, I saw the current Railway template for Twenty is outdated (its managed by someone at Railway) so I created a new one: https://railway.app/template/nAL3hA It works for me but I did notice that e.g. the render.yaml and docker compose file build 2 services from the twentycrm/twenty docker image (server and worker?). However, my template only builds 1 service and seems to work fine. Is the 2nd service necessary? What am i missing?
7 Replies
charles3w ago
yes it is! The worker is executing background jobs such as webhooks, emails processing, etc... it's exact same configuration as server but different entrypoint (queue-worker.ts)
thomasmol3w ago
okay interesting! so i should add another service based on the same image but with a different start command?
charles3w ago
yes 🙂 also we are adding redis in your default setup, we thought we could avoid it but it's bringing better performances and we will add it by default
thomasmol3w ago
okay awesome got it working! one thing though -> can't seem to set a new db password, even if i set the password with a new POSTGRES_PASSWORD env var it always defaults to twenty as the password. any ideas?
charles3w ago
I'm still working on the new docker-compose with redis. Once done you'll find everything for railapp and I can assist is something is missing
thomasmol3w ago
okay thanks!
charles7d ago
very late on that, still on my radar for this week
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