Unknown error occurred while importing messages for message channel
I get the following error in logs when I try to add google account for calendar sync (in web I see "Sync failed" error):
I've ran yarn commands on worker as instructed in docs.
Full error pasted in thread
28 Replies
can't post more than 2k chars, attaching the log entry as file
fixed it with adding env vars to worker container as well, but still getting this sync failed in ui
now I'm getting this one:
but it looks unrelated to this sync issue
I have already seen this one, what version are you on?
@martmull FYI
@charles I'm running
tag, let me check which one is pulled right now
in Releases in Settings I see: 0.32.0
@Sebastian @charles this last issue will be fixed in https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/pull/8644
8643 fix sentry error by martmull · Pull Request #8644 · twentyhq/t...
fixes missing data in event payload when adding a new workspaceMember
add strong typing to database event emitters
oh, tha's great, thanks! any ETA when this will be merged?
we have also figured out the issue with the release pipeline, 0.33 will be published tomorrow
@charles @martmull updated to latest version, redeployed from scratch, applied yarn commands on worker container, but the sync from google still fails
@Raphaël any idea?
Hello @Sebastian, do you have logs that could help me identify the issue?
this was the only error I saw in the logs.
Okay thank you, this is your server's log, do you maybe have any logs inside your worker?
no errors in worker logs. do you want me to send them regardless?
Yes please, to see if the crons are running correctly
Could you show me your .env config ?
Are you using pg-boss or bull-mq ?
sure, sec, let me paste everything
re: pg-boss or bull-mq, I'm not sure, I didn't set up either of them, using what's provided in docker compose
Thank you. Could you send me the calendarChannel syncStatus and the messageChannel syncStatus and also their syncStage ?
where can I find that?
In the database in your workspace schema 🙂
Did you enable people api in your cloud console ?

just enabled it, but it still doesn't work. results from database:
Might it be related to this error? I'm getting it whenever I log in using Google SSO. But when I've tried to remove and reconnect google account, I saw only this in logs
@Raphaël ^^
same as in the other help thread, I would schedule a call with Sebastian to investigate it (I think we can do one of the two), we should have a good idea of the issue then
@Sebastian please re-connect your account after having enabled the People API and make sure the right scopes are attached to your individual Gmail email account
(sorry it's french but example on my side)

yep, already tried to enable People API and reconnect the account. Error's still the same. Having a call would be great though! Let me know when you have time. I'm pretty much available for the next 3h