Twentyβ€’4mo ago

All requests fail due to erroneous data

First: Thanks for building Twenty. I'm building Polar.sh so it's safe to say I love everything open source πŸ™‚ Started building an API integration to start importing & managing our CRM with Twenty today. Unfortunately, I created a Person that now has invalid data which crashes all requests both in the UI & via API. First, I created a person with null in lastName, e.g in this case we're on close basis so a single name felt more natural. It gave me an error that null was not accepted. So I updated my scripts to set '' (empty-string) instead. It seems to have worked, but that response schema validation now raises an exception on all responses. So I'm unable to use the UI or API at this point. Would love some help with this πŸ™‚
3 Replies
Weikoβ€’4mo ago
Hi @birk, are you self hosting? Looks like the first record has been created (with NULL value) but now fails because it does not match the graphql schema definition. If you are self-hosting and have access to the DB, I would look for the record and delete it, you probably have 2 records with one having NULL for the lastName. If you are on the cloud please DM me your email and I'll do that for you I'll try to reproduce on my end and open an issue Ok I could reproduce, this is only on the API, I'll create an issue.
birkOPβ€’4mo ago
Thank you so much @Weiko I'm using the Cloud version. I'll DM you. Thank you for the help
Weikoβ€’4mo ago
@birk should be good for your record, let me know

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