Translations and date format
Is there any way to translate TwentyCRM? Also is there any way to change date format? MM/DD/YYYY makes no sense. We need DD. MM. YYYY
Thank you 🙂
6 Replies
Found it in settings, but we need a number instead of month name.
this is the place where I would love to enter 22.5.2004 for example, it makes more sense in Czechia to enter it this way.

Hi @MiraCZ !
- we only support english on Twenty for now, sorry!
- we will soon work on giving the possibility to choose the date format display: see GitHub issue . I am not 100% sure that will be taken into account for the date input, I will have a look. But the display will be in the chosen format
🧹 Layout Data Formatting | date format · Issue #8053 · twentyhq/twe...
I would like to display a date field as the "year" only (ie 2016) and not a long format as "25 Oct, 2024 08:39" An option setting the date format (ie %Y) could be great.
Hi there.
How I could add other languages for translation?
Ping 😦
I created new topic 🙂