Twenty5d ago

SoftDelete issue in Custom object while migrating

@charles @thomast We created two custom objects in v0.23 and then migrated the database to v0.24 using the yarn command:prod upgrade-0.24 command. After the migration, the isSoftDeletable value is correctly set to true or false for both standard objects and newly created custom objects. However, for the custom objects created in v0.23, the isSoftDeletable field is returning NULL.
6 Replies
thomast5d ago
Weiko5d ago
Hi @anjali This issue has been fixed in the v0.24.1, can you upgrade and run upgrade-0.24:set-custom-object-is-soft-deletable ?
Jay Patel
Jay Patel4d ago
Hello @Weiko , I am Anjal's colleague. I ran the command yarn database:migrate:prod, and after executing it, the isSoftDeletable flag in objectMetadata was set to [NULL] for all objects. Then, I ran yarn command:prod upgrade-0.24, which updated the isSoftDeletable flag to true/false for all objects, except for custom objects that were already created in the previous version.
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Weiko4d ago
Yes, that's expected. As I said above please try the command upgrade-0.24:set-custom-object-is-soft-deletable instead
Jay Patel
Jay Patel3d ago
@Weiko I ran the following commands:
- yarn database:migrate:prod
- yarn command:prod upgrade-0.24
- yarn command:prod upgrade-0.24:set-custom-object-is-soft-deletable
However, custom objects created in the previous version still have the isSoftDeletable flag set to [NULL], while other objects have the correct true/false values. Am I missing any steps while migrating or any changes in the command sequence?
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Jay Patel
Jay Patel3d ago
According to the update criteria, objects with the following conditions should be updated:
- isCustom: true
- isSoftDeletable: false
However, in the database, the isSoftDeletable flag for custom objects is [NULL]. Wouldn't this prevent them from being included in the update?
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