Cannot Access Twenty Admin Panel After Workspace Reset – ‘Invalid Sign In Up Params’ Error
We added two custom models, and after that, the admin panel stopped loading properly—only the settings page was accessible.
We removed the custom models, but the issue persisted.
As a next step, we deleted the workspace to create a new one.
However, now we can’t even log in. It shows the error: “Error: Invalid sign in up params”.
Could anyone help us resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance!
6 Replies
1. What do you mean by "admin panel"?
2. Are you running self-hosted or cloud?
3. What version are you using?
1. Just app, twenty dashboard
2. cloud
3. I guess last one since it's cloud app
Please DM @charles with your email
Thanks @bob 🙂
@artmadiar could you DM me with your email, I'll take a look
ok, guys, we just created another account (that has another workspace), setting up everything, seems ok
I guess it's not worth to spend your time to discover previous removed account.
I have to say that added custom model (named Authors) caused errors
mmmh interesting, might conflict with an internal naming. We will take a look
@marie FYI as related to metadata scope