Any way to track external events?

So, there is the timeline. According to the API documentation you can create new entries there. There is the “name” of the entry. When creating the event with no any interconnection with other entries (except for example the Person) and specifying only the name the entry in the timeline is shown empty. How can I add any text there? The goal: to track the Person’s events from external system, for example - emails sent via Marketing channels such as Sendgrid.
7 Replies
ɃØĦɆᵾS3mo ago
From what I can see in code, name of TimelineActivities is basically the name of event like person.created so if anything else is provided as an argument, then TimelineActivities record will be created but name won't be shown as engine doesn't know how to interpret it About how to add text there, I don't know, probably it requires some modification in code or some kind of dirty hack like n8n workflow which is triggered by webhook from Sendgrid, creates new task with specific title via API and after that, creates new timeline activity for specific person
Andrei Popov
Andrei PopovOP3mo ago
Yep @bob sounds like that. Basically endpoint is useless and does nothing accept when in some super edge-cases you want to create activity manually. But again, name is useless as you can just pass linked properties IDs and... This CRM only looks nice, but seems like lacking too much of the functionality that would make some common sense. Even adding UUID field is not shown in UI, leads to question to the sanity of the product guys working on this…
ɃØĦɆᵾS3mo ago
First of all, don't be salty about this, software is still work in progress and on top of that, it's pre-1.0 version so it's expected some things may not work. Second, I wouldn't question the sanity of developers, I can see reasoning behind hidden UUID field in UI (especially for non-technical users when now everyone can see everything), it may change in the future but I don't know And I agree that there's no purpose for this endpoint to exist when the same data can be retrieved by fetching specific records but that's not up to me to decide if this endpoint should be available or not
Andrei Popov
Andrei PopovOP3mo ago
I get it, and I do blame the developers. But, honestly, what is the user story here? "I want to be able to add advanced fields that do nothing"? If you do not have visibility limits, show it. Why, as a user, do I need to guess that this very special field is not exposed in UI... And look, you can have webhooks without any authentication. Another one also makes sense.
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Unknown User3mo ago
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Andrei Popov
Andrei PopovOP3mo ago
@Félix I get it, believe me. But, let’s be pragmatic, if Hubspot is “old”, you need to shine in something it doesn’t have. So what is it?
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Unknown User3mo ago
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