Deploying to Render
After issues tryign to get to work on DO I am using your one click install to install to Render, however the version installed (from your main github branch) seems to be an old version .
There is no release section above the logout and it says Cxalendars are coming soon. How can I check what version has been installed?
Can anyone else give me any feedback as to a good place to host twenty with an easy onboarding process?
7 Replies
The 'render.yaml` file is using deprecated Docker Images, so I will fork and use current images
Hey, Nick! Were you able to do it? And if so, could you send me the latest render.yaml?
@NickWild @hiimalexok, i'll update the render.yaml file this week-end and make it work 🙂
You are awesome, @charles!!!
Hey, @charles! Any update on the updated render.yaml file?
sorry guys, I haven't found a moment for that, will do it tomorrow!
Awesome! Thanks, Charles!!! I'll take a look at it tomorrow and let you know if all is good from my side!