Twenty4mo ago

Worker doesn't work on Deployment

Hey @charles In the package.json, the command "start": "npx nx run-many -t start worker -p twenty-server twenty-front" works locally to start the worker, but it doesn't work in the deployment version. Is there a change required in the Dockerfile to make it work in the deployed environment?
4 Replies
charles4mo ago
Hi @anjali, you do not want to use nx in production (this is a development monorepo tool). To self-host Twenty you will need to run everthing in production mode and you will need to run independently your server and worker. See here: https://twenty.com/developers/section/self-hosting/docker-compose Also see our docker-compose example: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/twentyhq/twenty/main/packages/twenty-docker/docker-compose.yml, we are running two containers one for the server and one for the worker
anjaliOP4mo ago
Hi @charles Instead of docker-compose can we do that with docker file? Our deployment is on AWS ECS with EC2.
charles4mo ago
docker compose points to Docker images so yes it should not be an issue
charles4mo ago
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