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All posts for Sapphire - Imagine a framework
Đá Cục Không Phải Cục Đá - Why my logger have no c...
Hyperfire - I'm having an issue trying to make a c...
Lioness100 - Does `LazyPaginatedMessage` automatic...
BigBrainAFK - So i need to use the V4 PR builds of...
BlueSky - Just for verification, we are allowed to...
Feralheart - Is the `command.enabled` works togeth...
KIJ - does sapphire support v14?
Frozn - whenever i try to run my bot i keep gettin...
jeelzzz - is there any way to export multiple thi...
McDefault - Hello y'all Im trying to follow the c...
chmod - does sapphire support djs 14?
WhacK - I upgraded my existing sapphire bot to typ...
Ararou - Is this smth fixable? It's never done thi...
ShirayukiHaruka - **[Sapphire Logging]**Hello! I'...
Ben855 - I can't seem to get slash subcommands wor...
Stealth - Any idea what's going on here?
RVX - new to coding here. (very new) how do i un...
BigBrainAFK - So how does one interact with Forum ...
Slinky - Hello, I just started using the framework...
Hyperfire - How would i ago about adding custom fi...
pochiko - Hello! does anyone kno whow to fix this ...
sam - ```srcconfig.ts737 - error TS2345 Argum...
Rhys - ^Sort of related to above, does inheritance...
ThatGuyJamal - Is it possible to make a default va...
Rhys - Is there a way to use preconditions to remo...
Jesse - How would one go about adding user permiss...
Jesse - why am i getting this error?
secondubly - Not sure if my googling is just insuf...
bomi - That's what I did with that, but this can b...
Noxillio - sapphiretype is impossible to install...
Noxillio - Is there any purpose to sapphireplugi...
Ben855 - How are most of y'all using IDhints in pr...
Rhys - Is it possible to put preconditions on butt...
Fiery - Hi, just got a new laptop and I'm having s...
kaname-png - Paginated message broken
${j122j} - Is there any way I change the typescrip...
Chaddiedaddie - I tried to follow the Getting sta...
dragonizedpizza - can I give a list of possible el...
eslint oom
dont feel like creating a review on GitHub...
CEO | RJP Development - how do u make a programmig...
Fractune - Hello, I'd like to know why my `if` jum...
Abdo Hosnie - it doesn't play anything (
! 𝑱𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔__ - Hello, I need help with my backup cod...
User - ```javascriptconst { Client, Events, Gate...
Ben855 - For autocomplete arguments in slash comma...
Tobyy - how do i fix
Tobyy -
bomi - Seems this is a known problem on discords e...
bomi - Discord's sending big ints? ``(node12164) ...
RuiNtD - How to ensure removed application command...
DelxHQ - Is there anyway I can defer all of my com...
Nitsua - Editing a previously ran slash command re...
willuhmjs - ```jsValidationError s.string Exp...
Nytelife26 - can i use `ApplyOptions` with an app...
kaname-png - Why does this interaction option retu...
Somehow registry not registering
Notion document feedback, issues, questions and answers
Poll Discussion & Answers
Application Command Registry Interface v1
How should you, the end user, define commands?
Preconditions with missing handlers! What do?
Context Menus vs Application Commands - separate or not?
Interaction Handlers after usage
Interaction Handlers!!
Initial Commit Thoughts
The statefulness or statelessness of Interactions
Interaction handlers in the command instead of globally
Reply sess 2
Problems with plugin api
Timestamp problem
Is there a better way to handle both message and slash commands?
I have use @/ as Root
Is there a way to make an Event (registerApplicationCommands) 'wait' before triggering?
SubcommandErrorEvent how to?
Button Interaction Pass Data
How to organize commands?
Help me to setup this sapphire typescript
an easy simple question
Which type to use for context in scheduled task plugin error listener?
Better way of displaying an error response to the user for components? (this.none)
PaginatedMessage on a user-installed app inside a guild will return thisMazeWasNotMeantForYouContent
Questions to new API Implementation
How would I add the prisma client as property to the Augment.d.ts?
Roles being removed directly after being assigned
Accessing a public method in a listener's class
string-store input validation
Precondition variations
crash when loading a autocomplete
string-store enum
Precondition doesn't return an error message
How to get name&description (default and localized)?
MikroORM with Sapphire (AsyncLocalStorage)
Use precondition on subcommands
Skipped piece
Sapphire does not load any folders
How to transpile TypeScript using Bun?
How to find the context responses of Identifiers
how to delete dropdown in PaginatedMessage?
api auth via expo
API Plugin Documentation is not up to date anymore
Dupliacte commands
Freeze on await client.login()
string-store & strings
message kits
StoreRegistryEntries Augmentation
Re-registering Command Within Scope of chatInputRun
Precondition results
Is it possible to add some sort of custom property to commands that can be checked in a precondition
eslint config?
Disable slash command in MP
`ApplicationCommandType` TypeError
extended property not autocompleting in vscode
Performance in interaction-handlers
Testing Routes
Help with sappphire auth
How to wait that the initialization of the ApplicationCommandRegistry is finished
Does Custom Piece auto-loaded?
Stop sapphire from automatically loading pieces
What is the role of a Piece and a Store in SapphireJS?
Encountered error while handling an interaction handler run method.
Use Prisma with SapphireJS
monorepo with sapphire
Preconditions in Interaction Handler
Difference with dev and prod > The application now has 0 global commands
text command triggered by mentioning bot (no command name)
I want to make a system about module command
Slash command autocompletion dynamic input options
string-store not finding identifiers other than first in Schema on deserialize typescript
application command registry saying it takes 40 seconds to initalise
Why my listener doesn't work?
my guild related listeners arent firing but my client ones are
Unexspected end of JSON input
Updating paginated message pages while the handler is running
JS Example has error with loading routes
Precondition not triggering "chatInputCommandDenied"
Sapphire keeps taking me in circles! Can't access my Dashboard.
multiple idHints for multiple servers
Serializing string-store result inside another schema
Random date generator
Constantly getting "The application did not respond"
@sapphire/type does not work with Bun
"The application did not respond" on bulkDelete message use
Sapphire not updating the command
weird behavior with args.*Result after updating to sapphire v5.3.1
Pieces Framework Inquiry
@sapphire/plugin-i18next FallbackLng Error
SchemaStore narrowed to never
how to pass variables from one interaction into the next?
@sapphire/plugin-api Methods Error
Google Cloud Run not logging into the bot is null in slash commands
[email protected]
type level problem
Context Menu not working
Scheduled Task Does Not Remove on Fail
Precondition not running
Dilemma 😫
cant declare container items
Paginated Message actions issue
Space separated arguments
New component under a PaginatedMessage
Logger - log to txt file
How can I delay the loading of pieces?
Seeking Guidance on Custom Discord Bot for Voting System
Subcommand in Direct Messages even with guildIds option
Connect timeout thing
[ERROR] Encountered error on event listener "CorePreChatInputCommandRun"
commands arent working
registerContextMenuCommand type error
Preconditioning a whole category of commands
PaginatedMessage actions on a single page
Sapphire Dynamic Cooldown Per User
Bun hot module reloading & starting in production with Sapphire
addStringOption applyLocalizedBuilder
why my ping.ts doesnt wanna run after being transpiled?
Using HMR in TS
Programmatically creating and deleting repeated scheduled tasks
How to reload a command or multiple slash commands and get their ids
error while handling the command application command registry
TS Issue
chatInputCommandDenied not emiting
Slash-Context menu commands with spaces?
Error compile
Same command files but in different folders
Manual Scheduled Task not found
Manual Scheduled Task Method Arg Number mismatch with documentation
messageCommandDenied preventing bot from booting
sapphire problem with types
User App
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'name' does not exist in type 'ToAPIApplicatio
Support for bun
TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
Complete Temlate Error
Discordjs and TypeScript typescript error
serialize a bigint Plugins
Overriding message command listeners
Fetch not calling JSON.stringify for body objects.
preconditions implementation
File Names
How do I make my bot "greet" a new member?
build version not working
Why is ActivityType.Custom excluded from the presence ActivityOptions[]?
node_modules eror
Using sapphire paginator is it possible to customize the pages names ?
APIInteractionGuildMember missing properties
Will the custom path in a store apply also when using cogs (or modules)?
drizzle orm
events not firing
cli question
Weird string argument behaviour
Type Error: "Property "sentryError" does not exist on type 'ILogger'
env/join not working properly
Issue with application commands after logging in after client#destroy()
Interaction handler parse never being called
Application command registries
TS App does not attach event listeners once complied, works in dev
declaration for DetailedDescriptionCommand not working
Cooldowns during command execution
Is there a way to hide command if the user doesn't have the precondition ?
Multiple guilds handling
Statefulness and data sharing for Pieces
Missing Session ID
Argument not found
Sentry with Sapphire?
Packages problem
Piece not loading when stores.register() is called
what are these
Permission check in other guild
Registering multiple paths for pieces
@sapphire/plugin-scheduled-tasks fails completely
Global preconditions position seems to be broken
Snowflake.deconstruct return incorrect value
Overriding default permission precondition
Event before precondition OR access the command via MessageCommandDenied
Multiple guilds
Bulk upgrade commands to remove unregistered ones
Compilation Errors in Dependencies
manual task compiler error
Errors loading Commands and Listeners on bun run
Hide Slash/Context menu commands
how would i know if a certain precondition is in a command?
Crosspost listener not working
can i use preconditions in listeners
Listeners not registering?
error when trying to run bot
Assigning ID hints outside of builders
idhint & command id
Cooldown filter precondition
API Authentification
PM2 issues
Help with manually setting path for stores
Slash commands failing to register
Chat input command IDs
Interaction create and custom commands
Errors and their listeners
Preconditions Help
PaginatedMessage - change select menu string names
got error idk what’s wrong with my code
Terminal Crash
Preconditions in InteractionHandler
Commands aren't being updated on Discord's end
Slash command registered, but not displaying.
Question about slash command user fields
How to set some command is private?
Is it possible to use my own LoaderStrategy?
Only receiving interactions on local machine
Subcommands Broken
PaginatedMessage not changing files
Slash Command - The application did not respond - nothing in console.
unable to generate custom components using @sapphire/cli
optional argument
error: A compatible class export was not found.
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module
Member cache and tracking members
insane amount of errors
too much errors
Message commands help
How do I check if it goes "@sapphire/plugin-api"
Bun compatibility
How do I make commands only visible to certain users?
No subcommand was matched with the provided command.
Coommands are not registered
Using slash options as text args
Is it possible to style the page returned through routes?
Timezone option for Scheduled Tasks
IntelliSense autocomplete not showing up exclusively for Sapphire classes?
Issues with sending messages.
Folders not initialized when building with Typescript
Slash Command not showing
Attachment drop box
Is there any ways to allow another bot to run my bot command
Is there a way to make slash commands hidden for people with lower perms?
help with options
Error [EMPTY_MODULE]: A compatible class export was not found.
How to reset the command cooldown in JS
Logic question
presenceUpdate require member cache?
listener not loading.
Precondition not throwing errors.
Equivalent of z.function from zod in shapeshift?
Property 'getUser' does not exist
args provided but not found?
Validation error in `SlashCommandBuilder.addSubcommand`
Decorator issue
sapphire not acknowledging chat input commands?
can we add a string to the command content response by PreMessageContentRun ?
How do I force a user to specify at least one input?
What does this even mean
Any common guideline for making plugins?
Just updated to 5.2.1 nothing working and no errors
Subcommand groups
@sapphire/type Issues
Export Commands and Parameters
Cannot find how I can use buttons
Validation error
main bot spawn child bot?
baseUserDirectory with tsx
slashcommand wont appear
Command Modules
Can I create a simple get endpoint along with my sapphire app that's hosted wherever?
help needed
How to use preconditions properly?
Problem with extended SapphireClient
Sapphire stops working when deployed to Heroku
Custom slash commands registration
Sapphire "no such file or directory" error
trouble importing @sapphire/type
Autocomplete - option.match is not a function
Sapphire Scheduled Tasks | When do they launch after bot restarts?
giveaway command problem
messageRun commands
i18n only translate command description
How does ApplyOptions work
Autofill message textbox
Autocomplete TextInput
BulkOverwrite has stopped functioning
Custom logging messages
logging registered commands
Registering Commands Issue
Scheduled Tasks not working
Help with slash commands
Why did I need to restart my discord everytime when I create a new command using sapphire ?
API References
Custom logger transport
How do i enable DM message detection?
Multiple Command Folders?
node-gyp build problems with @sapphire/type
Error importing a plugin
Question to Plugin i18next
Slash Command Decorator
eslint autofix problems
Error [UNLOADED_PIECE]: The piece 'ready' does not exist.
Error please help
Subcommand Aliases
Are command instance recreated every time someone use the associate slash command ?
Promise error sometimes on load - sapphire.js framework
Caching Problems
Registering Context Commands
Some questions
Sapphire command not recognized
API Plugin Prefix
Task was not found | plugin-scheduled-tasks
Can't load subcommand
multiplie registered handlers
TypeScript Check
Variable parameter type based on the previous variable
create a command that has spaces as one arg
Share sapphire stuff with multiple bots & possible monorepo setup
Splitting Subcommand functions to multiple files
Commands and listeners
Create a catch-all command to respond to any message?
Working with Emoji's on SelectMenu Options
Sapphire with TypeScript & Bun
Cant get bot to work when put bot related files to another folder in src
Nested Router with @sapphire/plugin-api
Extending Listener base class
What's the point of having a "container" object exported which consists of client and other stuff?
Listeners and Index.js
Stricter type checking for string command choices
WIll this work?
Accessing data in subcommands
Issue with inviteCreate event
Should i acquire every command or only once
no error event on subcommand precondition
apply precondition to only one Subcommand?
Ready event does not run
Error when clicking button
Prevent commands from being ran on DMs and prevent bots from using commands by default
Button doing nothing
InteractionOptionResolver pleasing TypeScript
Any way to add a sort of "middleware" to all listeners
Are my slashcommands guild based or global?
Two Commands In One File
Question regarding client.login()
@sapphire/type error
Random Error
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction
Scheduled Tasks with Common JS
Cannot find module issue though the module is exported.
User Install (The new update)
Translated Subcommand does not register because a error
Just curious, can I declare a map of string to Class on container as a type?
Slash Command Permissions
Slash Command : How to set the type channel option to voice only
Is there a way to make precondition in interaction be ephemeral?
Default Permissions
Issue with path aliases not working when using imports (TypeScript)
"ChatInputCommandError" listener not firing for subcommands
how do you make these using sapphire?
Decorators Message Context?
Scope of Command Classes?
Command is not registering
logger doesn't work properly
Slashcommand Option Translation
Globally setting the guild in which to register commands by default
Who is Sapphire for ?
Subcommands Not Working
Using JSON to register application commands and add options
Paginated Message not working
Formatted Logs
Paginated Message Bug
Optimal way of developing with typescript
/test command doesn't work but /ping does?
Failure Handling With Listeners.
Running Async Code in Precinditions
Buttons Interactions
Getting Data from .env File
Testing and Sapphire/discord.js
please help
Hello ,I need some Help about listeners in sapphire framework
Typescript error in @ApplyOptions
Is there events listing like discord.js does?
making a !help command. where do i get the commands from?
Throwing errors in commands/subcommands
Dynamic subcommand methods
How do i use "separators" command in sapphire?
Limit command to specified roles?
How to reference client in main file?
List registered commands and listeners
Cannot find module
Module augmentation does not work
Conflicting types
new to sapphirejs and discord bot overhaul
Dump and load cached messages.
How do interaction handlers pair up with commands
Implement paginator , selection
Any way to register a database client to the application command
Using Paths w/ TypeScript
Select Menu Listener Fails To Register
Argument examples
Message commands not working
Issue with @sapphire/plugin-api
Precondition Command
Is documentation page outdated?
Precondition i18n
Got this error when executing command /kick
How to add string options
Error when using @sapphire/type
Commands + Listeners not registering
Delete Message Instantly
Listener run() signature
PaginatedMessageEmbedFields empty array
Issue registering command on a specific guild using guildIds
Subfolders Inside Commands Folder
Encountering Error `TypeError: emitter.getMaxListeners is not a function`
Problem loading virtual pieces
Am I doing this wrong? Message doesn't send for preconditions, but the precondition works FINE
Problem with loader file generator
Error Handling
PaginatedMessage: refresh pages after setPages()
change PaginatedMessage's selectMenu context name
NPM script stops working when tsconfig extends @sapphire/ts-config
welcome bot
How do you register paths for pieces? Also have an additional question when this one is solved.
frustrating unknown interaction
Distube and sapphire
interaction.options.getMember() not definable?
Would there be a way to make a command list?
Clear Command Cache?
InteractionHandler Buttons
ValidationError: Expected a string primitive
Need help for ContextMenuCommand
How to use sapphire framework decoraters plugin
check if message starts with the prefix
Get command used with a message object
Duplicate identifier "Preconditions" when module augmenting "@sapphire/framework"
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'tasks' does not exist in type 'ClientOptions'
Subcommands Refusing to work for anyone but me?
Unknown Interaction
how would you make the bot respond to mentions using sapphire?
Interaction handlers problem
Weird type error
How to use "and" & "or" with preconditions?
Proper way to setup ESLint
how to make message when command is in cooldown?
How to push incomplete .env file to repo?
Command not registering
sapphire cli not working
Fuzzy Search
I keep receiving this error when using @ApplyOptions.
Autocomplete handling in subcommands
Any reason as to why this event wouldn't be firing?
Can't get working in Deno
How to use @sapphire/decorators?
Is it possible to send an image using `plugin-api`
How to get ID of command?
[ARGS] this.error errors in the console
Memory Leak
Slash command not updated
Class constructor _Listener cannot be invoked without 'new'
Sapphire's approach to components
Certain amount of infractions per page
Docker volume issue
Checking for flags in message commands
Get message text from ContextMenuCommandInteraction
How can I find out what events there are, and what the args are?
Unable to get piece's name with CommandStore#get when piece's enabled is false
The precondition "SubcommandCooldown" is not available.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'options')
Change select menu options to custom options for paginated messages
Is it possible to set retries for a MessagePrompter (message strat)?
Best way to use Preconditions to determine which commands show up in a /help command?
Subcommand Organization
Create WebServer with Plugin API
LoaderStrategy: promises.opendir is being broken if using with @vercel/pkg library
Template project (Issues setting up from scratch)
Argument of type 'Context' is not assignable to parameter of type 'LoaderContext
Any tips for store data in the interaction ?
Error handling
Removing pagination buttons on last page
Error when loading events
Command Preconditions
error TS6053: File '@sapphire/ts-config' not found.
Slash commands are not being registered when using Bun
What is the event name for when vanity gets updated?
Typescript error on trying to use fetch
'api' does not exist in type 'ClientOptions'.
message and chat input command with arguments
Ratelimits utility wont work as expected
Global precondition error
PaginatedMessage: There are no actions
PaginatedMessage: How to disable footer?
Code has errors
API Authentication not working
weird bug/error API Plugin not working
How to config baseUserDirectory
On Listeners
Setting up oauth API
Sapphire Snowflake
"Couldn't find a template file for that component type."
Is it possible for a custom command to have a button for a link?
Seemingly Random Command Registration Failures
Is that possible to have multiple routes in the same route class?
Command not being registered
Property does not exist on type 'Container'
Sapphire eslint-config
Translate runIn error message
Type issues with .addChoices()
Sapphire registering applications bug
Error when creating a modal
Linter errors in command options after upgrade
Tooling question
[ERROR] Encountered error on event listener "moderationLog"
Fetch reply from a command to button interaction
Is there a way to use Sapphire to reset previously registered slash commands?
Decorators issue
Paginination limitation when not using select menus
Run bot without building to js and use ts-node or other alternatives instead.
Unregister Old Application Sub Commands from the subcommands plugin
Application Commands are not being registered when bot restarts.
Cannot set properties of undefined when extending `container`
Bot freezing after evaluate `.client`
will using super while having @ApplyOptions work
Command.LoaderContext does not exist
found differences for command when i havent made any changes
Can't create new listener
@sapphire/shapeshift validate env library
Extending the container wont work?
Listeners and Handlers not registering interactions/events
Deployment failing
Log File
Pre-built binaries not installable for @sapphire/
[email protected]
& build failing
Any idea why is this happening?
Autocomplete within command class
Paginated message support
Subcommand wont get registered
Permission bits to Human Readable text
Check if command is a slash command
Is it possible to send voice messages from a bot?
Error [EMPTY_MODULE]: A compatible class export was not found.
Automod Issue
Dyno like help command
i18n based on the user locale
command failing, no errors
Slash command not working
ReferenceError: exports is not defined in ES module scope
props to button
Multiple listeners on the same event ?
Issue with code not running after using'string') (NOT SAPPHIRE ISSUE)
how to make fetchPrefix return a regex?
messageSubcommandNoMatch listener not working
Invoking Command method from other command
Register a command on every guild
Intent question- paginatedmessage
Handle secondary bots from main
How would I go about forking a plugin? FInding some difficulty due to them being under a monorepo
subcommand not working
Manual task not triggering
yarn recommended over pnpm?
lib folder
Setup 3 bots with Sapphire
I have a problem
error when starting up my bot ?? :/
@sapphire/snowflake question
Maze error - paginated message
Button Handler
Ephemeral PaginatedMessages are unusable
Bot wont respond to any command + wont register slashes though it says they are registered
how to change the client on the container's type to my custom client
Lib classes types
Enable slash command for bot owners only
Global precondition
The inferred type of 'parse' cannot be named without a reference to...
Bot hosting Service
Compiling with SWC
fetchPrefix not functioning as it should
Does plugin-api support parameters? If so, how can I get tem?
Bot does not update commands
Upgrading from djs v12 (commando) to djs v14 (and sapphire framework) - Unsure on how to Parse Types
customJobOptions or bullJobsOptions
plugin-subcommands: subcommands with preconditions
Using multiple types in args.repeat()
plugin-api: How to access Cookies on incoming requests?
How to use `container.logger` ?
cli change cli dir
Issue with listeners, not emitting
global preconditions
issue with code
Accidentaly registered duplicate context menu commands
Error with the framework's code (appearantely)
General question on timer-manager and stopwatch
Replacing Logger
Minor error in the documentation
Does subcommand methods have context parameter?
How can I remove a subcommand check?
Precondition error type
Accessing all commands array
Bot throws error even though i declared my precondition already in the Preconditions interface
guild.roles.everyone but for boosters?
Sapphire json Configuration
Commands not respecting cooldown preconditions
contextMenuCommandDenied question
Multiple command exports from a single file.
translate replys of sapphire like cooldown
Subcommands help
OwnerOnly precondition not working
Whats the command to send messages about the user info
Force restarted after getting discord.js error
Getting localized application command option
Allow or prevent command execution
Paginated message not editing reply (always seems to reply)
Specifying Types
Decorator Style for Register Subcommands
Issue with subcommand groups
Paginated Embed error
Are union types supported in args.pick?
InteractionHandler pieces not loading
Wanting to remove the footer page index, PaginatedMessage
Client Permissions
AutoComplete subcommand name/id
ApplicationCommandRegistries.setDefaultGuildIds is not a function
DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction on interaction.showModal()
Is it possible to dev Offline ?
Command Handler
CommandStores not showing commands in order
Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.
Type safe Slash Commands Options ?
correct way of formatting the bot's uptime
ExpectedValidationError from EmbedBuilder().setTimestamp(variable)
PaginatedMessage, Actions
Issue with Sapphire Update
Subcommands, and CommandGroups/SubCommandGroups
Precondition error
Context Menus not running
requiredClientPermissions check always resolving
PreMessageCommandRun Event
error command sh -c node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
are context menus supposed to be created automatically?
reload all commands
built-in feature
all command decorators spontaneously combusted
start up message
PaginatedMessage replies "This maze wasn't meant for you...what did you do."
how to get all commands
Can't type custom precondition (?)
how can i create modal and show to user
Error [UNLOADED_PIECE]: The piece 'CoreReady' does not exist.
Listeners not working at all
Why in line 79 for src/preconditions/ClientPermissions.ts is there `PermissionsBitField | null`?
args.pick issue
Sapphire not saving the changes for reaction role messages
Using bun with @sapphire/framework
Arguments Issue
Sharding Error
i18n applyLocalizedBuilders Options
Set Prefix Tutorial? I'm bad at JS
Question about cooldowns
Command `admin.ts` not being registered in the command registry
i18n options are not considered
i18n format issue
Issue with pnpm (A type annotation is necessary)
fetchPrefix method on SapphireClient class
Duplicate Tasks
Listener with `once: true` appears to be triggering multiple times
remove command from command registry after renaming a command file
Build sapphirejs typescript project?
Modal Validation String Primitive
Advanced Help Command
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'client')
i18n not part of sapphire container
Command.ChatInputCommandInteraction GuildMember.voice not updating
Unsync slash commands
Error [EMPTY_MODULE]: A compatible class export was not found.
Sync Slash Commands with one Guild
GuildMemberRemove not running
Retrieve which subcommand was ran from message and interaction
error TS5109: Option 'moduleResolution' must be set to 'Node16'
Broken TypeScript command (from lack of knowledge of TS)
@sapphire/discord.js-utilities - isPrivateThreadChannel
Custom Error Event
"There are no more arguments." using args.pick('integer')
Blacklist Command
Precondition issue
messageCreate issue
Listeners question
"Maximum number of application commands reached" but hitting the API returns an empty array?
Post examples
messageCreate event
Loader Error
How do I check if the user ID is actually equals to the user ID in interaction-handlers
Button handler is not calling parse method
Did the latest @sapphire/
[email protected]
update break things?
Spaced options with @sapphire/lexure
subcommand name
Registries behaviour
Async Preconditions
Subcommand Preconditions Support
Sample implementation of per-subcommand preconditions
Error: Module did not self-register
Question about "runIn" preconditions
Passing a new parameter to commands
ts-node vs tsc
First Argument
trigger command with regex?
Can I have multiple autocomplete interaction handlers?
Lot of problems with SapphireJS
string option, support for strings inside quotes?
eslint-config error: cannot access C: due to not declared in deps (Yarn v3 PnP)
contextMenuRun not firing
Using args functionality on another message
im trying to do a simple command help but Command dont have a propertie with permissions of handler
Unknown interaction with paginated message custom actions
Interaction and Message Function Preconditions
preconditions don't run
Deleting Buttons
Paginated Message Replies Only to Interactions?
Easy way to add per command permissions/restrictions
changing directories
editable commands
Message Context Menu Command Not Registering
Remove application commands
How to declare the BulkOverwrite property in JavaScript?
Shapeshift: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite
Can't run sapphire using bun
Augmenting Container Failed
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'channels')
GuildMemberAdd Event LIstener
quick question
Modal listeners
Can't use Sapphire CLI
pollSync error
Property 'chatInputRun' in type 'OwnerOnlyPrecondition' is not assignable to the same property
Production mode?
Would this work?
Running commands manually
Regarding containers
Custom Client Event
guildMemberUpdate event
Creating a custom UserError
Sharding via DJS and Sapphire
Hide the page selector with paginated messages?
Subcommand issues
Trouble with telling typescript the return type of fetch when using @sapphire/result
i18n question
How to check if a number (the permission integer) has the manage server permission?
messageCreate not working with DMs
Setting Nicknames
Sapphire not initializing correctly inside of Docker
'Can't find the template.' on a template listed in the docs
Issue when running mutiple bot instances on the same redis db with the scheduler plugin
Question - handling interactions
Plugin subcommands: "No subcommand was matched with the provided command."
Application Data is null
Language support
I need help to unistall sapphire because i just downloaded in vscode with knowledge abt it
Error listeners
Question - Dependancy injection
Question about container in shards
Question: Sharding support
Combine Precondition and object available on the Command
BulkOverwrite usecase
Need help persisting interaction data between consecutive interactions in Sapphire
When do I need the runIn Option?
Setting autocomplete options based on other option's value
autocompleteRun for sub commands
How can I bypass required user permissions?
Modal Validation Error
Get the value that was attempted to be parsed in an Arg
Make commands register when i run a command like `!sync`
Is it possible to edit the default message returned by "preset preconditions"?
I'm not receiving any Context Menu Command interactions
__importStar is not defined
Fake Message Execution
extend command
Converted to es6 module, commands not loading
Is there anyway to register slash command for guild and global separately.
Sapphire-like Listeners for other Emitters, such as ShardManager?
scheduled tasks plugin compatibility
it's bugging for me
Sapphire support hybrid sharding?
Event before interaction handlers are ran
How do I handle this UserError?
How to transform array with shapeshift using default values?
Slash Commands
Multiple Button Handlers, only 1 takes in a request
Add Choices To An Already Registered Command
Creating a button handler
New to Sapphire! Where should I start?
sending html using api plugin
Validate arguments without triggering cooldown
Set precondition's name instead of having it resolve from file name
Should I create multiple interaction handlers for each interaction type?
Passing down arguments of Commands to the Interaction Handlers
Node Heap Allocation Issue
Triggering a Modal, Message With Buttons, ...
Passing down from the index.ts and arguments to subcommands
Cog Actions
Is there anyway using Subcommand plugin with Slash command
Reload Command
Vebose Child Folder not register slash command
Happen Issue when try to watch:start with examples
Type '"Rules"' is not assignable to type 'PreconditionEntryResolvable'.
Custom Hook before a Piece being called/run
@sapphire/ts-config compiler options
Getting the HTTP status code of a @sapphire/fetch request
Register ChatInputCommand
Cannot find node_modules/@sapphire/type/prebuild/type-node-v115-linux-x64-glibc-2.37/type.node
Fetch Utility File Structure
Plugin API - Cookie Not Setting
Paginated messages page limit
Seeking for Guideline
Property 'run' in type 'ScheduledTaskErrorEvent' is not assignable to the same property in base type
Multiple CORS Origins
Ready Listener doesn't work
Register/delete guild commands on call
Bot doesn't trigger error events
Default guildId for all application commands
Max Paginated Embeds
Context Menu Commands Lowercase Name
.loadAll() blocks all shards?
Paginated message help
Plugin API - Origin
How to Register a Discord Slash Command via Sapphire without creating a command file
How can i use the ephemeral to PaginatedMessage?
Somehow I got in an infinite loop
Bot no longer runs after conversion to Typescript
Preconditions not running
Does .gitignore just not work?
Trying to use Buttons with sapphire
modal submission not triggering listener
Container augmentation no longer working
Snowflake limit
Custom Events not Creating Listeners
Ignoring Precondition Failures
Select menu interaction handler not working
Dms not being read by Event.messageCreate in listener.
Paginated message exceeding 25 pages
Is it possible to run the same bot multiple times and have them each independently handle commands?
Can't find the template. for buttoninteractionhandler
StringSelect shows error in PaginatedMessage
Augmenting detailed description
Set global commands guildIds
Snowflake support
TypeError: isJSONEncodable is not a function
Cannot access MimeTypes & HttpCodes when verbatimModuleSyntax is enabled in TypeScript 5
Issues importing from shapeshift
Accessing container inside of a decorator
Sapphire Paginated Embed
This is not working
Bot does not respond
Dynamic disable Slash Command based on role
How to get the resolve a key without a target?
creating slash commands
No auth data in the request after exchange the Discord code
Listeners won't fire up nor slash commands would register in the guild
PaginatedMessage extended with editing the select menu options does not work as expected
MessageCreate listener not working as expected
how to **actually** use discord.js-utilites
Recurring Task
Global Commands Block for Development Only
Can sapphire framework handle edits?
extending Command class
Preconditions Usage
Permission or Role check with decorators
PaginatedMessageEmbedFields select menu
Expected a string primitive when creating StringSelectMenu
Can we handle modal submit interactions using sapphire?
Problem since upgrading to latest sapphirejs and TS 5.0
What does sapphire's logger use on the backend?
Broken modals
Remove old commands
Errors when extending @sapphire/ts-config
my sapphire bot not picking up any commands, i use message commands
@sapphire/shapeshift ExpectedConstraintError
Command registering although it does not exist
Custom Command Cooldown Message
typescript aka tsc not working solved
How to register commands without loadMessageCommandListeners=true?
More information for CombinedPropertyErrors on shapeshift
chatInputCommandDenied listener not triggering(?
Using plugin-api to link accounts
plugin-subcommands "No subcommand was matched"
I don't even know how to name this
how can i make subcommand in slash
Multiple context commands in a single file
Type-safety for guild-only slash commands
Passing data from one handler to the other
Absolutely nothing happens with basic text command
Slash command and Unknown interaction
Create locale slash commands
create modal
Sapphire CLI error
Cant find the template
on ready messages
I have issues with TypeScript
Argument of type '"Staff"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SimplePreconditionKeys | Simpl...
Autocomplete `interaction.commandName` when used in a subcommand
Disable And/Or Change Listeners Directory
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'write')
Dynamic route not working
Error When trying to getString.
ChatInputCommandDenied listener not working
Slash Command User Arg Always Failing
check if commands initialized
Slash and message commands.
Whats the difference between the different imports?
Handling deletion of all guild specific slash commands with BulkOverwrite
User counts
ButtonBuilder setEmoji?
Having trouble with reporting precondition failure
Mentioning application subcommands
Task is set to execute hourly but executes 3 times
messagecommand generated from CLI error
@sapphire/type installation script error
unknown interaction error
who to connect html to discord.js?
Messages are not being monitored
Proper pnpm support
Set the precondition for all commands in a faster way instead of manually set for each command
Sapphire not getting my commands
How to get infos about the current task?
How can i start using bulkOverwrite
Adding preconditions to a slash command?
mongoose listener not working
TypeError: channel.isTextBased is not a function
Can not resolve dependency sapphire
UserError listener not catching all errors
How to get message args ?
API Placeholder in Route
TypeError piace.aliases is not iterable
I'm getting this error when used my new precondtion.
API Client with SSL?
Context Menu Command and Subcommand cannot be in same extended class?
UserErrors not being caught by listener - bot is crashing
Subcommand isn't running
How to properly handle UserErrors?
Can I set different requiredUserPermissions for each subcommand?
Handling BulkOverwrite Registry Errors
Events for Voice
How do I use autocompleteRun on subcommands?
Message editing fails even though message can be fetched
Problem with ephemeral messages
Is recommend have split autocomplete handlers
Quick question regarding application descriptions
What typescript version to use?
How to get subcommand name from interaction object?
How do I listen for reactions on all messages in a channel?
MessageCreate Event isn't working
Reply During Cooldown
messageUpdate event not Triggering
'"discord.js"' has no exported member named 'WebhookEditMessageOptions'. Did you mean 'WebhookFetchM
Question regarding slash commands / aliases
disable commands by dashboard.
What is the difference between response.status and response.statusCode ?
Hey what is DEVELOPMENT MODE and how do I disable it
BotList Autopost of stats is not working
Miss matching objects on permission setting.
requiredClientPermissions check always rejecting
Unable to get member data from users that have left / kicked
Catch all chat input command errors listener
Multiple Clients on one file/instance
How to present Slashcommands?
Interaction Handlers
bot won't get on and connect to discord.
How Do I Make a Project in my current Directory?
Bot wont go online
GuildDelete Event somehow gets triggered when I restart my Bot
TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
THREAD_CREATE event Listener run method arguments
await args.pick("member");
Command info command issue
Running in production
speakerName translation in FFXIVIpcChat
Clearing registered slash commands
ReferenceError: [ENV] BOT_OWNER_IDS - The key must be an array, but is empty or undefined.
How can I turn a joinedTimestamp into this Discord Timestamp
How to use `@sapphire/shapeshift ` dateValid & stringRegex
Access extended sapphire client
Version mismatch between Sapphire and dapi-types
Whats the syntax to require Permission X AND Y OR Z when using requiredUserPermissions
How to use windows env variables using skyra env utilities
Pattern for fetching all registered slash commands
Precondition with Slash Command
How to use skyra env utilities with the cli generated project?
How to get the current channel a slash command was used in
Preventing Commands in DMs
autoModerationActionExecution Event
Help canceling a command
How to check if the bot has Permission X inside of the server? For example VIEW_AUDIT_LOG
What parameter do I pass to the run method in my GuildCreate listener?
Problem with this.container.stores.get().get();
InteractionCreate file
How to Create Threads?
Command info
why does this not work in sapphire
This code is not running on sapphire
Bot stalls while registering commands
How to edit an Embed(Documentation isn't working)
Schdeduler SQS Options in index.ts
Will using the new plugin-utilities-store enable HMR for this Helper files?
"Send" does not exist on type "channel"
How can I create a listener for @discordjs/voice states?
How to delete interaction buttons?
@sapphire/shapeshift (?) crashes bot when trying to send embed with description exceeding 4096 chars
uninstlling @sapphire
Manual task not executing
Registering commands and other paths
Is it possible to update slash command string options every time the command is ran?
ts-node giving issues with Sapphire (edit: DO NOT USE TS-NODE)
scheduled jobs randomly stop working
Register command in only specific guilds
port 4000 on cluster
How to defer reply with Sapphirejs
Default preconditions
Commands not responding to defaultPrefix
ts not compiling well
How To Use The Enum Arg?
Let's users have custom folders for pieces
piece.aliases is not iterable
guild commands not showing in command lookup
custom prefix
how would you go about logging shard creation in sapphire?
Eventho runIn has values Guildtext and dm, if run in guild text, error message is shown
What is a Piece?
GuildIds Array Empty = global command?
How necessary (in practice) is it to set idhints?
How do you initialise a UserSelectMenu?
turn off dev mode?
Very intense application command fetching
Use preconditions outside of the command class
Setup bot hosting with SparkedHost
How can I effectively use the `PaginatedMessage` function?
sapphire steals the CPU
Application Commands
Command alias for slash commands?
Adding a command to a guild after client is ready.
Emoji In Context Menu Command
commandDenied Event not Fired
HMR plugin error
Recognising "hidden" in CommandOptions
How to create errors like this
Interaction user locale first
not working
Hybrid commands
@skyra/env-utilities is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'
Error: Request aborted manually
A compatible class export was not found.
Is it possible to use discord.js-light with Sapphire?
Is bot related to this project/community?
Typing the Err generic of Result to be empty
Added new options to slash command; not being reflected on discord
Handle Crash on DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access
"dm_permissions: false" dont work
How do i make an entire array an autocomplete?
Error when adding a String option
[SOLVED] quick question; does sapphire defer replies?
Invalid Form Body (or at least something like that) When the bot tries to register a new command
Unable to import `CommandDeniedPayload` in @sapphire/framework v4.0.2
@sapphire/result error in v4
Slash Command with Subcommand Plugin doesnt registering
Quoted argument not consumed as single argument
Formatting Dates
Shared handler
Why is there no documentation for @sapphire/cron? Is it dead? Is there a good alternative?
Looking for a example of i18n plugin's applyLocalizedBuilder
define global variable on start up
error handler
How to create a store
Why should I use @sapphire/shapeshift instead of zod? What is the difference?
Hi I am getting a permissions error when trying to run docker-compose up
How can I add a slashcommand only for a specific Guild?
TypeScript watch and starting bot taking over a minute
How to get SubCommand Ids
Error on Login with I18next Plugin
Create store for helper classes to access them through the container for hmr to reload it?
Subcommand unintentionally triggers Events.MessageCommandRun
AutocompleteInteraction options#getUser doesn't exist
Working with interaction SelectMenuBuilder
Using Typescript in Sapphire.
GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE - oldMember & newMember
API going to sleep?
API Routes Handling
HMR not Working correctly
Store a data in Client context Shappire
Type 'ServerResponse' is not generic
Is there a Example on how to work with the API Plugin directly in the bot?
Creating slash command with options and sapphire cli template
Is there any utility to check if a member has permission to run a command?
Send and Reply from the editable-commands plugin do the same wrong thing.
what is this regex supposed to mean?
How do I create subcommands with different text input fields?
Best Approach on separating Commands from their "run" file to a separate Folder
message commands are not working
Failed to overwrite global application commands
message listeners stopped working in sapphire v4 on my bot
Duplicate identifier 'Command'
Context menu commands not being registered
Is there a way to disable ApplicationCommandRegistries logs?
Context Menu Interactions Not Received
ChatInputCommandError Event not firing
What does commandError emit?
Am I doing this wrong? I feel like I'm doing this wrong.
Button handler not triggering
How to make auto idhints?
Issue on upgrade to v4
Namespace 'Command' has no exported member 'ChatInputInteraction'.
Dockerfile - CLI Template
Subcommands Typings clashing after updating.
Send message to specific channel from slash command
Cooldown Message
What's the best way to watch for activity changes on a channel
Set ApplicationCommandOption max value to be a function
Best way to make ButtonInteractions persistent after restarts?
build error
Getting the client to log a list of registered commands and if they are global
PaginatedMessage autodelete
Message Components Disappearing?
Modal Submit Preconditions
BOT don't catch commands
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'CHANNEL_CREATE')
Does sapphire work only with DJS?
String Length error while trying to register a command
How to make translated message in interaction handler?
The argument did not resolve to emoji
Where can I find more info about the Sapphire framework
Encountered error on event listener CoreMessageParser f
Command Error
Use commands from src and also from custom package in node_modules (Programatically add commands?)
Error [UNLOADED_PIECE] The piece 'CoreReady' does not exist.
Commands not working
Can't register application command.
Custom Arg - ResultError Unwrap failed
about args
How do I apply preconditions to a specific subcommand
Sapphire preconditions args error
Custom prefix
Handling argument autocomplete per command
Weird error when installing ts-config
API error event handler
Localizations for slash commands working partially
i18next plugin without namespaces
UnknownMessageCommandName event is not working
can i edit the frame work to apply custom commands or not.
i got a bunch of typescript errors
Embed Paginator
Getting ChannelType from APIInteractionDataResovledChannel
idk what to title this.. trouble shooting? im new to all of this haha
interactionHandler parse showing TS '...cannot be named without reference to...' error
Can i create an Auto Changing Status For My Bot?
Read property from custom Command Options
TypeError Class constructor _SapphireClient cannot be invoked without 'new'
Is there a recommended way to split subcommands across multiple files?
Does sapphire support all the up to date Discord Auto moderation stuff?
How do subcommands work with idHints and guildIds?
Is there a way to prevent fetching information both in the precondition and the command itself?
Listeners with same file name
Any bot examples on Github using sapphire's fetch for 3rd party API endpoints?
Dependency conflict (discord-api-types)
sub commands
How do i delete a slash command?
Error when using plugin-i18next
What’s the difference between a `Piece` and a `AliasPiece`
Global Stores
ApplicationCommandRegistry save new Command registered to DB
Templates for sapphire CLI
send() function plugin-editable-commands
Can a parse be async?
Error when loading listener on v14
TypeError piece.aliases not iterable
Peristing cooldowns across restarts
Conflicting data types with isMessageInstance()
Sapphire doesn't compile wirh discord.js v14
compile into single file
Custom listener name not applying
Precondition and InteractionHandler
Autocomplete handler not working
How can I use shard
Sapphire keeps binding to ports
How to remove image from interaction reply when using a paginator?
Automatically delete a old slash command that has been renamed?
Commands won't be registered
sapphire type does not install on Node 19 [2]
Wierd framewrk error
How to make custom sub command
Detect HMR Reload
ChannelTypes not detected as a difference in slash commands
Refresh Commands
shapeshift's default with respect to surroundings
Command File & Directory Parsing
Is there a way to update all sapphire packages instead of going one by one?
sapphireplugin-subcommands can't catch error?
Type 'DeveloperOnly' is not assignable to type 'PreconditionEntryResolvable'.
TypeError Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'CHANNEL_CREATE')
sapphire type does not install on Node 19 [1]
Has Anyone Used Reacord With Sapphire?
Can you have folders for commands in SapphireJS
discord js node modules type error
`ModalBuilder` validation error
Change in how discord links emojis?
changed from npm to pnpm, bot doesn't work anymore
Property 'send' does not exist on type *channel types*
Interactions randomly fail in a dockerized bot
Is there a way to make autocomplete options only accept a listed option - not "custom" inputs?
Profile Color Member
Subcommand not registering
Slash Commands Embeds
Help with message deletion
How does one check if a specific user was mentioned in a message?
Typing - Question message
Keep getting "Shard 0 is reconnecting..." errors
Question about developing in TypeScript
Is there a way to make the bot press a button component within a message
getChannel does not exist for interaction.options
Editing a message deletes it
MongoDB Discord.JS (Only saving to 1 profile)
Help fetching users
role not being given
Button error
Slash Command Error
Invalid Token Error
Apply Overwrites in a voicechannel
Create a category and a channel in the category
Bot not starting in VPS
commands doesnt work
/twitchadd (name) (link)
A bunch of errors from discord.js's index.d.ts file when compiling
User object roles
Getting the deleter of a deleted message
Make a button executable only by the command executer
anyone know how to make bot seem without a status (not online but not offline)
need help with building dashboard for discord bot
Encountered error while handling an interaction handler run method for interaction-handler
Editing an ephemeral reply from an interaction handler
Problem with ChannelSelectMenuBuilder
Detect when new message is a reply to another one
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'FLAGS')
Making multi-line embed descriptions cleaner
Just like there's Member Exit Audit Log, is there Member Join Audit log?
Autocomplete api error on vps but not locally
Command not registering
Discord dashboard
Does ChannelType.GuildText includes categories?
Any examples of a table format for an embed?
help needed regarding prefix handler
i dont get my code working
Authenticated Attachment URLs
Channel.messages.fetch getting different values
problems submitting modals
Automod System
Automod System
Automod System
How do you handle incompatible null/undefined from discord.js typings?
Categories cannot have subcategories api error
cant receive dm messages from the 'messageCreate' event even after enabling the channel partial
All GatewayIntentBits?
modmail system
Issues implementing subcommands
When to shard?
Cant resolve zlib-sync
Creating TypeSafe event emitter wrapper function
"Failed to find guild, or unknown type for channel" even when not using channel.add()
Potential mass api usage issues
Handling Component Interaction to Modal interaction to Component interaction to Modal interaction
Message Collector Error
TypeScript ModMail
Error: Cannot properly serialize component type:
The best way to learn discord js?
edit embed
broadcastEval blocks all shards
TypeError: import_undici4.FormData is not a constructor = -1 ??
typescript error
typescript: slash command
What is cached?
Disabling button received from Button Interaction Handler
Does not send embed in thread, does not throw error, does not log anything
Embed Edit command.
Handling modal submissions
Cannot find module './_baseGet'
Having trouble with components
Nested message component collectors
APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember does not have id
Error server
How big is the difference between xyz.cache.get() and await xzy.fetch()?
Throwing on unhandled interaction
Command info command issue
Docker being goofy
Getting modalSubmit error over the weekend
interaction.showModal not working
Type T[P] does not satisfy constraint Option<any>
Undefined ?
How can i add all itents
NodeJS version too low for DiscordJS
SyntaxError: The requested module '@discordjs/util' does not provide an export named 'calculateShard
Should my bot sending out dm's trigger it's own messageCreate event?
How can I update a message only via its messageid and channelid?
Giveaway ends in "active time changes"
Get content as resolved tags
Follow announcement channel
Variable slash command argument parsing
receiving invalid message id
Webhook posting in incorrect guild
What is the Best approach to developing a bot and reloading the new changes into it?
BaseMessageOptions#components does not take Builders
fetch channel returns undefined
Node.js bot start issues.
yO mY bOt HaS gLoBaL cOmMaNdS bUt I dOnT hAvE sUpPoRtS cOmMaNdS bAdGe
Error Dashboard
My Welcome Message And Auto Role Doesn't Work
Iterating over all server members OR iterating over people with x role
how would I rerun a command thru a button
Varying parsing options?
Do Partials Create Un-Typesafe Code?
My bot wont respond to my commands
Fetch membercount?
Getting info from JSON
Verification Error.
Really need help that no body is willing too