
Alright guys, quick question if i am new to javascript (i want to learn typescript by the way.) and discord developement in general. Where should i start from, and what do i need to learn?
27 Replies
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
for js what i did was follow some yt tutorials (dont just look at what they are writing and copy it) and for discord.js i recommend i learned js through discord bot development so it is possible. but make sure to try and build your own stuff instead of following line by line on a yt tutorial. and when ur starting out i dont think using sapphire is good for ur very first bot. you should follow the tutorial on the discordjs website first to learn how everything works and then maybe try making ur own command handler by looking at some tutorials and after that u can try sapphire, but thats just my opinion
discord.js is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to interact with the Discord API very easily. It takes a much more object-oriented approach than most other JS Discord libraries, making your bot's code significantly tidier and easier to comprehend.
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
this is the guide i was talking about
discord.js Guide
Imagine a guide... that explores the many possibilities for your discord.js bot.
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
i hate discord.js
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
um okay may i know why?
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
well i tried following some tutorials heres what i ended up with
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
No description
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
😭 and i've heard its bad from others
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
well discordjs is obviously not bad since almost everyone uses it for js based bots and its very beginner friendly do u know what the code does? it seems like u just copied line by line from a yt tutorial
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
kinda not really xd i did but like every tutorial i watch i dont understand anything i got to the event point where i can write events and stuff
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
yeah try they have a more beginner friendly guide on how to create a bot
discord.js Guide
Imagine a guide... that explores the many possibilities for your discord.js bot.
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
okay 👍 i want to learn typescript tho
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
discordjs is more beginner friendly than other js librarys u have to know js before u learn ts first get a decent grasp on js ts is just js with types the code is almost identical between the two
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
how do i learn js
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
if u wanna focus on bot dev just make some small bots using js if ur confused just google it and try to solve it on ur own if u just wanna learn js try w3schools there are many ways just find which works for u chatgpt is also good when ur confused on how to do something also is is a support server for Sapphire Framework not a server for learning js
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
i know but i just wanted a quick question and i wanted to learn sapphire
Favna12mo ago
There are no other relevant ones tbh There's that one that integrates with NestJS but that's about it
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
i heard eris was good, dyno uses it.
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
outdated from what i've heard that's why i didnt use it
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
last commit was 4 days ago i don't think its outdated
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
hmm okay ill check it out
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
stick with djs lol sapphire uses discordjs so if u want to learn sapphire learning djs is the way to go
arthurmitchell9941OP12mo ago
i want to it makes my brain tingly
Favna12mo ago
Dyno doesn't. They use their own fork which isn't even Eris anymore really.
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
ive been lied to by the ?info command, my disappointment is immense
Favna12mo ago
They forked it years and years ago I mean it's Dyno are you really surprised On a scale of 1 to mee6 they're about a level 80 bad
Oreo ™
Oreo ™12mo ago
Spinel12mo ago
Before you make a Discord Bot, you should have a good understanding of JavaScript. This means you should have a basic understanding of the following topics: - Read and understand docs - Debug code - Syntax - NodeJS module system If you aren't sure that your understanding of JavaScript is truly good enough to make a bot, you should try to continue learning first. Here are good resources to learn both Javascript and NodeJS: - Codecademy: - Udemy: - Eloquent JavaScript, free book: - You-Dont-Know-JS: - JavaScript Garden: - JavaScript reference/docs: - Nodeschool: - Pluralsight: Before you ask a question, you should ask these yourself: 1. Is this question related to JavaScript, or the library I am using? - If it is the library you are using, go to the proper server. You would get better answers there. 2. Have I tried to google and/or check StackOverflow? - Double-check that you can't find anywhere that can lead you to a solution online. 3. Have I tried to look on MDN or the library documentation? - You should always check documentation to make sure you aren't missing any details. 4. Does my question make enough sense so that people can understand it, and do they understand what I am trying to accomplish? - If no, revise your question. Give as much detail as possible. Include any error or code output that can help us help you. 5. Am I aware of what I am doing, and not just mindlessly copying and pasting? - If you are just copying and pasting code from a guide, you are not going to be able to solve anything. Make sure you understand the code you are writing.

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