Sapphire - Imagine a framework


Sapphire - Imagine a framework

Welcome to the Sapphire Discord server! The next-gen object-oriented Discord.js bot framework can be found here.







Required Client Permission mismatch with role

One of my commands requires various authorizations and, among other things, Connect. So I pass this array ```js const RequiredBotPermissions = [ PermissionFlagsBits.Connect, PermissionFlagsBits.CreatePublicThreads,...

application commands

I used default guild ids but still getting global commands in console

Can't see blue color in terminal

I copied the code from logger plugin and made some changes to add an "actor" property for my convenience. If I pick Pterodactyl as the actor, it should display in the console with a red color. If I pick Discord, it should have a blue color. Pterodactyl appears as red color just fine, but Discord doesn't seem to have any color at all. Here's the code: I also added a console.log directly using blueBright() from colorette, and that seems to work fine....
This problem isn't really related to Sapphire because this is 100% your code and your own plugin. Since you're essentially making your own logger plugin, even something like the console.whatever is in your own code: You'll have to fix this on your own since it's so very specific to your own desires for the logger. As for the location of the file, that's fine. It's pretty much free style, only it's recommended to not put it in root because that trips up GitHub's license detection....
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Plugin API

So Im willing to start doing a little experimentation with websites and calling the endpoints. Ill just be concise: Is Plugin API a thing thats supposed to expose endpoints you can call from your websites? Same goes to oauth, can it handle more than one oauth? Also can I create any endpoint or are there any limitations. Sorry, as much as I know sapphire well, I never played on the website league...
yes, yes and yes

Command option - Array of users

Hi, i'm working on a slash command for my bot which will allow a user to create a loot-split for the group they're playing with. I need to be able to create an option (argument) for my command which will take multiple users, but I cannot see how. Is this possible? 🙂

Failed to overwrite global application commands: Command name is invalid

Hello! I am having an incredibly frustrating time adding a new slash command to my bot. The command is fairly straight forward however when I try to start the bot I get the error in the title. I cannot for the life of me seem to work out why it should throw this error and was hoping to find some helpful advice here! ```
[email protected] start node dist/index.js...
I found the issue, its not only command names that need to be lowercase, its also argument names or option names too
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use wildcard paths on InteractionHandlerStore#registerPath

Hi, are we able use wildcard paths while registering a new path for a store? or is their away to do this without writing a helper for that for example:
this.stores.get('listeners').registerPath(join(this.rootData.root, './handlers/events')).registerPath(join(this.rootData.root, "./integrations/**/*"));
this.stores.get('listeners').registerPath(join(this.rootData.root, './handlers/events')).registerPath(join(this.rootData.root, "./integrations/**/*"));

Interaction Handlers & "Button is not for you" response

Hi! My problem is: I have a bunch of buttons that implemented like interaction handlers, and my goal is simple - I want to respond to a user with "This button is not for you" if "parse" method fails. But I can't do that because if I respond to 1 handlers, others will break with "interaction already replied". Is there any sort of and event if sapphire couldn't find any parse method that will work so I can response with my message? Another solution I think of is just respond with any handler, and before responding check if interaction is replied. If it is - do nothing, but then - we need to handle replied interaction in our "run" method. Tbh adding this small feature feels like a pain so I don't even know if I wanna do that if there is no simple solution :D...
Truth be told I would advice against it anyway because it goes principally against how Discord tells us to use interactions. Interactions should only be replied to once. The only consistent way to achieve this is to use something like discordjs' awaitComponents where you can user filter instead of sappire handlers. An example of this can be seen in PaginatedMessage i.e.e from @Dragonite


help, im experiencing an issue where the newState object in the voiceStateUpdate event is either returning as 0 or not returning a VoiceState object at all. also oldState only returns something...

Problems with plugin api

Hey! I'm attempting to setup my bot with the plugins api. I've managed to make a route but whenever I start the bot I have no indication of the api starting. I've checked this.container.client.server.server.listening, which returned true and I also listed routes through the container. The problem i'm having is whenever I attempt to send a curl request or a web request to the url I get a connection refused error....
you have to put listenOptions in the api object

Timestamp problem

Hi there! I'm using Timestamp from the time-utilities (latest) to convert a duration in milliseconds to a timestamp like this: ``` const timestamp = new Timestamp('HH:mm:ss');...

Is there a better way to handle both message and slash commands?

Docs say that you have to override messageRun method to handle message commands and override chatInputRun for slash commands. This leads to unnecessary code duplication, since logic would be mostly the same. or serenity expose something like hybrid commands , so you can write a single handler for any interaction, is there an equivalent for Sapphire?...
just extract most logic to a separate function and call it from both, i.e. the ping commands from sapphiredev/examples repo

I have use @/ as Root

I have used @/ as root but now it doesnt finds the modules I'm not sure how to fix that anyone that can help me out?
setting it in only tsconfig isnt enough. Ts doesnt recompute paths when compiling. Either use NodeJS built in submodule imports and switch to # instead of @ in the process, or use something like the module-alias package.
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Is there a way to make an Event (registerApplicationCommands) 'wait' before triggering?

Okay so I created a handler named unregisterer.js I'm calling it in another handler named bootstrap.js bootstrap.js is then imported into index.js then called as such await handlers() on ready event I use a custom structure named SlashCommand imported in every command file (to replace Command of @sapphire/framework): this only serves to prevent spamming registerApplicationCommands in every single command file...

SubcommandErrorEvent how to?

I have this code for defining listener for subcommand error event ```typescript import { ChatInputSubcommandErrorPayload, SubcommandPluginEvents,...

Button Interaction Pass Data

Hello im traying to make a coinflip game which is simple, but I need to pass some data to the button handler and I'm not sure how to do it, and I even need to send and embed to an other channel and interact with 3 differents button which modify the embeds in different ways, if someone can answer all of that I will be happy where some code if something is wrong let me know. ```ts export class GameCoinFlipButton extends InteractionHandler { public constructor(ctx: InteractionHandler.LoaderContext, options: InteractionHandler.Options) {...

How to organize commands?

Hello, Im new to TS and Discord.JS, but I have knowloadge on programming, but this framework is new to me, I need to make different commands, I have create 3 folders, user, admin, games, every dir has it owns games and class (not made all but im there), and this is a simple class Im not sure if this what Im doing is correct, but for organizing it should be. this is the code I have made if there is a better way of doing this lmk:...

Help me to setup this sapphire typescript

Hello im new to ts and discord.js, I have made some bot in, but I wanna level up and using typescript and sapphire, but I have no idea how to, please someone?

an easy simple question

what file handles parsing = for options?