API Plugin Documentation is not up to date anymore
Dupliacte commands
Freeze on await client.login()
string-store & strings
.setCustomId(store.serialize(Id.EditSomethingButton, ...).toString())
, and when I just use a normal custom id, I have to do .setCustomId(Id.EditSomethingButton.toString())
. I know this isn't a very big problem; should I just suck it up? (...message kits
StoreRegistryEntries Augmentation
as <Class>
whenever I retrieve a command from container.stores.get('commands').get(commandName)
.Re-registering Command Within Scope of chatInputRun
Precondition results
Is it possible to add some sort of custom property to commands that can be checked in a precondition
requiredRoles: ['ADMIN','MODERATOR']
?eslint config?
Disable slash command in MP
runIn: "GUILD_ANY",
...`ApplicationCommandType` TypeError
extended property not autocompleting in vscode
container.db = new Database()
, the autocomplete not showing and always underlining in red color the db
Performance in interaction-handlers
Testing Routes
Help with sappphire auth
How to wait that the initialization of the ApplicationCommandRegistry is finished
Does Custom Piece auto-loaded?
Stop sapphire from automatically loading pieces
baseUserDirectory: null
in your client options to disable loading, this is one of the steps at registering and loading virtual pieces.