PaginatedMessage replies "This maze wasn't meant for you...what did you do."

i put the example for paginated messages in my slash command, but instead of sending a paginated message, it only replied with the above error message and logged a warning after following the advice of the warning by adding the CHANNELs partial, it still replied with the same message, but without logging a warning
No description
52 Replies
brickedā€¢12mo ago
this is the relevant code
public async chatInput(inter: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
const myPaginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage();
myPaginatedMessage.addPageEmbed((embed) => {
embed.setColor("#FF0000").setDescription("example description");
return embed;

myPaginatedMessage.addPageBuilder((builder) => {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder().setColor("#FF0000").setDescription("example description");
return builder.setContent("example content").setEmbeds([embed]);

public async chatInput(inter: Subcommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
const myPaginatedMessage = new PaginatedMessage();
myPaginatedMessage.addPageEmbed((embed) => {
embed.setColor("#FF0000").setDescription("example description");
return embed;

myPaginatedMessage.addPageBuilder((builder) => {
const embed = new EmbedBuilder().setColor("#FF0000").setDescription("example description");
return builder.setContent("example content").setEmbeds([embed]);

this is the original warning
(node:1464) [PAGINATED_MESSAGE_RUNS_IN_NON_PARTIAL_DM_CHANNEL] PaginatedMessageRunsInNonpartialDMChannel: PaginatedMessage was initiated in a DM channel without the client having the required partial configured.
If you want PaginatedMessage to work in DM channels then make sure you start your client with "CHANNEL" added to "client.options.partials".
Furthermore if you are using message based commands (as opposed to application commands) then you will also need to add the "DIRECT_MESSAGE" intent to "client.options.intents"
If you do not want to be alerted about this in the future then you can disable this warning by setting "PaginatedMessage.emitPartialDMChannelWarning" to "false", or use "setEmitPartialDMChannelWarning(false)" before calling "run".
at (.\node_modules\@sapphire\discord.js-utilities\dist\index.js:1415:17)
at UserCommand2.chatInputList (.\dist\commands\hugs.js:73:24)
at .\node_modules\@sapphire\plugin-subcommands\dist\lib\Subcommand.js:380:40
at Object.fromAsync (.\node_modules\@sapphire\result\dist\index.js:613:46)
at UserCommand2._Subcommand_handleChatInputInteractionRun (.\node_modules\@sapphire\plugin-subcommands\dist\lib\Subcommand.js:366:45)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
(node:1464) [PAGINATED_MESSAGE_RUNS_IN_NON_PARTIAL_DM_CHANNEL] PaginatedMessageRunsInNonpartialDMChannel: PaginatedMessage was initiated in a DM channel without the client having the required partial configured.
If you want PaginatedMessage to work in DM channels then make sure you start your client with "CHANNEL" added to "client.options.partials".
Furthermore if you are using message based commands (as opposed to application commands) then you will also need to add the "DIRECT_MESSAGE" intent to "client.options.intents"
If you do not want to be alerted about this in the future then you can disable this warning by setting "PaginatedMessage.emitPartialDMChannelWarning" to "false", or use "setEmitPartialDMChannelWarning(false)" before calling "run".
at (.\node_modules\@sapphire\discord.js-utilities\dist\index.js:1415:17)
at UserCommand2.chatInputList (.\dist\commands\hugs.js:73:24)
at .\node_modules\@sapphire\plugin-subcommands\dist\lib\Subcommand.js:380:40
at Object.fromAsync (.\node_modules\@sapphire\result\dist\index.js:613:46)
at UserCommand2._Subcommand_handleChatInputInteractionRun (.\node_modules\@sapphire\plugin-subcommands\dist\lib\Subcommand.js:366:45)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
however, the command was sent in a guild and not in a dm my dependencies are also up to date
Favnaā€¢12mo ago
please share your package.json
brickedā€¢12mo ago
sure just the discord dependencies?
Favnaā€¢12mo ago
just share the whole thing tbh
brickedā€¢12mo ago
Favnaā€¢12mo ago
when asking for technical support it's much better to provide too much than too litle info we also have:
Spinelā€¢12mo ago
When asking for help, make sure to provide as much detail as possible. What have you tried so far? Do you have stacktraces that you can show us? What are you trying to achieve? Try to answer these questions and others, so we do not have to ask for them afterwards.
āÆ For a good guide on how to ask questions, see the instructions that StackOverflow gives. You should try to always follow these guidelines. āÆ For an excellent video that shows how not to ask technical questions is this, watch this YouTube video by LiveOverflow. āÆ Asking technical questions (Clarkson) āÆ How to ask questions the smart way (Raymond)
brickedā€¢12mo ago
brickedā€¢12mo ago
brickedā€¢12mo ago
sorry for all the trashy configs šŸ’€
Favnaā€¢12mo ago
uhm... that means you're pulling in @sapphire/discord.js-utilities as a transitive dependency. Can you run npm ls @sapphire/discord.js-utilities --depth=0 and show the result?
brickedā€¢12mo ago
@bricked/cluster@ .\cluster
ā””ā”€ā”€ (empty)
@bricked/cluster@ .\cluster
ā””ā”€ā”€ (empty)
Favnaā€¢12mo ago
uh drop the --depth=0?
brickedā€¢12mo ago
@bricked/cluster@ .\cluster
ā””ā”€ā”¬ @sapphire/framework@4.6.0
ā””ā”€ā”€ @sapphire/discord.js-utilities@7.0.2
@bricked/cluster@ .\cluster
ā””ā”€ā”¬ @sapphire/framework@4.6.0
ā””ā”€ā”€ @sapphire/discord.js-utilities@7.0.2
Favnaā€¢12mo ago
okay 7.0.2 is latest
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