What does commandError emit?
I'm struggling to find what
emits when fired by sapphire.9 Replies
Which CommandError event? there are three (
, contextMenuCommandError
, and messageCommandError
)wait I have to make a separate file for each? chatInputCommandError for starters then
If you want to do something on each event than yes, you need separate listeners for each (you can put them in one file though).
A chatInputCommandError event emits a ChatInputCommandErrorPayload
You can probably guess what the other two emit lol
how would you put them in the same file? Isn't it one file per listener
You can totally have more than one, just export more than one class. Heres an example https://github.com/BenSegal855/Steve-V3/blob/dev/src/listeners/errors/commandError.ts
Thank you