Preconditions not running

I'm new to sapphire, but I can't seem to figure out preconditions. The code i have in /listeners/commands/commandDenied
const { Listener } = require("@sapphire/framework")

module.exports = class extends Listener {
run(error, cmd) {
const { message, command } = cmd
return message.reply({ content: error.message })
const { Listener } = require("@sapphire/framework")

module.exports = class extends Listener {
run(error, cmd) {
const { message, command } = cmd
return message.reply({ content: error.message })
It blocks the command from being ran, but doesnt send a message or log anything.
2 Replies
bradOP2y ago
Seems i was using the wrong filename ^^ Can't mark the solution for some reason
Rhys2y ago
Mind giving it another to when you get a chance? Should be fixed now sorry about that

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