Errors and their listeners
In my commands when I want to throw an error I just use
throw '<message>'
and then send an embed with that error using the MessageCommandError event listener. This works fine however It also logs to my console, which is really annoying me. Is there a way to disable this?7 Replies
Set that to false
Thanks favna
Unrelated question to this post but it seems like the editable commands plugin is not working for me. I'm using send and reply and when I edit the message nothing seems to happen
did you import the /register ?
I did, but for whatever reason when I ran tsc the new command didn't compile, after I deleted dist and ran tsc again it worked fine
sounds like some kind of TS config issue. Please make a separate thread and you can also check or other bots from
examples/examples/with-typescript-starter at main · sapphiredev/exa...
Various examples of setting up your bot with the Sapphire Framework - sapphiredev/examples
Discord Bots using @sapphire/framework
- Gemboard ᴱ ᴰ
- Skyra ᴱ ᴬ ᴰ
- Dragonite ᴱ ᴰ
- Archangel ᴱ ᴰ
- Official Bot Examples ᴱ ᴰ ᴶˢ
- KBot ᴱ ᴬ ᴰ
- Perpetual Mechanical Array ᴰ
- Radon ᴱ ᴬ
- Sapphire Application Commands Examples ᴱ
- Zeyr ᴰ ᴬ
- Birthdayy ᴰ
- RTByte ᴱ ᴬ
Legend for the identifiers
ᴱ: Uses ESM (if not specified then uses CJS)
ᴬ: Advanced bot (if not specified it is a simple bot, or not graded)
ᴰ: Uses Docker in production
ᴶˢ: Written in JavaScript. If not specified then the bot is written in TypeScript.