How can I bypass required user permissions?

I want developers to be able to bypass them I can probably override the parseConstructorPreConditionsRequiredUserPermissions method so it adds an extended/custom precondition but that's my last resort since it feels hacky
we dont have an option for that
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6 Replies
SilverOP•2y ago
that's for cooldowns 😄 I already have that set up actually
Favna•2y ago
oh permissions mb
Favna•2y ago
we dont have an option for that
SilverOP•2y ago
np, I'll extend the class and do it like that, thanks
SilverOP•2y ago
in case anyone is wondering how I implemented it in the future: CustomPreconditionContainerSingle.ts
export class CustomPreconditionContainerSingle extends PreconditionContainerSingle {
/** Same as {@link CooldownOptions.filteredUsers} but for preconditions. */
private readonly filterUsers: Snowflake[] = [/* TODO: add user IDs here */]

public override messageRun(message: Message<boolean>, command: MessageCommand, context?: PreconditionContext | undefined): PreconditionResult {
const precondition = container.stores.get('preconditions').get(

if (precondition && this.checkBypass(message, precondition)) return precondition.ok()

return super.messageRun(message, command, context)

// Check if it should get bypassed before running the native method

public override chatInputRun(
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<CacheType>,
command: ChatInputCommand,
context?: PreconditionContext | undefined
): PreconditionResult {
const precondition = container.stores.get('preconditions').get(

if (precondition && this.checkBypass(interaction, precondition)) return precondition.ok()

return super.chatInputRun(interaction, command, context)

public override contextMenuRun(
interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction<CacheType>,
command: ContextMenuCommand,
context?: PreconditionContext | undefined
): PreconditionResult {
const precondition = container.stores.get('preconditions').get(

if (precondition && this.checkBypass(interaction, precondition)) return precondition.ok()

return super.contextMenuRun(interaction, command, context)

/** Returns whether the precondition should get bypassed. */
private checkBypass(messageOrInteraction: MessageOrInteraction, precondition: Precondition<PreconditionOptions>) {
const isMessage = messageOrInteraction instanceof Message
const author = isMessage ? : messageOrInteraction.user

// Bypass required user permissions
return === 'UserPermissions' && this.filterUsers.includes(
export class CustomPreconditionContainerSingle extends PreconditionContainerSingle {
/** Same as {@link CooldownOptions.filteredUsers} but for preconditions. */
private readonly filterUsers: Snowflake[] = [/* TODO: add user IDs here */]

public override messageRun(message: Message<boolean>, command: MessageCommand, context?: PreconditionContext | undefined): PreconditionResult {
const precondition = container.stores.get('preconditions').get(

if (precondition && this.checkBypass(message, precondition)) return precondition.ok()

return super.messageRun(message, command, context)

// Check if it should get bypassed before running the native method

public override chatInputRun(
interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<CacheType>,
command: ChatInputCommand,
context?: PreconditionContext | undefined
): PreconditionResult {
const precondition = container.stores.get('preconditions').get(

if (precondition && this.checkBypass(interaction, precondition)) return precondition.ok()

return super.chatInputRun(interaction, command, context)

public override contextMenuRun(
interaction: ContextMenuCommandInteraction<CacheType>,
command: ContextMenuCommand,
context?: PreconditionContext | undefined
): PreconditionResult {
const precondition = container.stores.get('preconditions').get(

if (precondition && this.checkBypass(interaction, precondition)) return precondition.ok()

return super.contextMenuRun(interaction, command, context)

/** Returns whether the precondition should get bypassed. */
private checkBypass(messageOrInteraction: MessageOrInteraction, precondition: Precondition<PreconditionOptions>) {
const isMessage = messageOrInteraction instanceof Message
const author = isMessage ? : messageOrInteraction.user

// Bypass required user permissions
return === 'UserPermissions' && this.filterUsers.includes(
export abstract class CustomCommand extends Command {
// Implementation to bypass required user permissions
protected override parseConstructorPreConditionsRequiredUserPermissions(options: Command.Options) {
const permissions = new PermissionsBitField(options.requiredUserPermissions)
if (permissions.bitfield !== 0n) {
const precondition = new CustomPreconditionContainerSingle({
name: 'UserPermissions',
context: { permissions }
export abstract class CustomCommand extends Command {
// Implementation to bypass required user permissions
protected override parseConstructorPreConditionsRequiredUserPermissions(options: Command.Options) {
const permissions = new PermissionsBitField(options.requiredUserPermissions)
if (permissions.bitfield !== 0n) {
const precondition = new CustomPreconditionContainerSingle({
name: 'UserPermissions',
context: { permissions }

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