Multiple Command Folders?
I want to make 2 different bots on 2 separate project folders in the same hard drive. My second bot keeps getting errors from Sapphire reading the command folder on my first bot. I don't use any fixed path; I only use relative paths. How do I make Sapphire look into the correct command folder?
9 Replies
I changed the main file of the second bot from
to something else and it seems to fix the problem. Is it the only solution?Are you trying to run 2 bots in the same process?
Show file/folder structure and code for both. Show package.json and entrypoint and do you start them at the same time using the same token?
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They are on 2 different processes with pm2. They both have an index.js file when Bot B keeps loading Bot A's commands. I changed B's index.js to core.js now, and it loaded. So, basically, changing the name of the main file works.
But now I have another issue: sapphire doesn't register any command on B. About the details:
- They have the exact same structure, but sapphire doesn't work on B.
- They also have the same package.json files, except B has its "name", "description", and "main" difference from A.
- Their main index.js files are the same, except for the database path and token (lines 33 and 68).
(The first one is A, and the second one is B, and I have commands in the
folder. The last picture is a slash command from B)
What I have tried:
- Restart each bot.
- Wait for hours for the commands to appear.
- Find a way to force sapphire.js to look at a certain path, but I couldn't find anything comprehensible about this.
- Search this server but no keyword was matched.
What I haven't tried:
- Reinvite B.
I was hoping that someone who has seen this problem before could just quickly tell me why. If it requires me to spend a few hours gathering all the details, as the bot said, it's probably faster for me to just debug it myself.I run them on 2 different processes with the same file name, but I hear it's not the issue for other people. :bugcatMathThink:
So I switched the "REQUIRES OAUTH2 CODE GRANT" off and it works now! :yay:
Thanks everyone for helping!